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Carmen Astrologicum -- 第四册(全)

发表于 2009-10-16 00:09:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The fourthbook of Dorotheus on the transfer of years.

In the nameof God, the compassionate, the merciful, to Whom I have recourse. The fourthbook of the books of Dorotheus, relating to the transfer of years.

When anative is born, the lord of the year is the lord of the house [ascendent] inwhich the native was born. Thus count from the ascendent a year for each signuntil you reach the year which you desire; the lord of that house is the lordof the year. Look at the lord of this sign, whether it is a benefic or amalefic, and in the base nativity how its position was and in which foundationit was. From the base-nativity is known what is concerning him [the native] atthe beginning of the year, and the beginning of the year is always when the Sunenters the beginning of the minute in which it was on the day of the native'snativity. If the lord of the sign is western, misfortune will reach the native.If the planet also is under the Sun's light [in opposition or inferiorconjunction] and is retrograde, then [something] similar to this [will happen].If the planet is under the Sun's rays and is increasing in counting and notdecreasing, then it will be better for him and it will be good. Similarly theancient wise men of the people of Babylon and Egypt said: If the Sun or theMoon is aspecting this sign from the triplicity of this sign in which it is—they said: if it is thus, then make sure that the planet, which is the lord ofthe year, is in its own house so that it will not cause harm. If it is in thehouse of its enemy, then it will be worse for its evil because he [the native]will be sick, and injury and loss with respect to his property will reach him,unless God wishes [otherwise].

If it isthus and it is Mars which governs the year, then his reasoning and his thoughtwill diminish, and his reasoning will drain off to the right and left andvarious places, and some blood and iron and nose-bleed will reach him, or [adefect] in [his] reasoning and his logic, and sometimes the disease and injurywill be difficult, or he will go on a journey in which [there will be] no goodand no profit, and he will be in exile from his city. If Saturn is as Imentioned above the earth, then it is bad with respect to [his] property anddisease will reach him in his body from cold, and pleurisy and injury, and hisproperty will diminish, and sometimes a sting will happen to him and also evilwill reach him from work in his hand, and frustration in everything, andworry and grief and disease will reach him from his work. If it is Jupiter,then he will have little greed for property, and his property will diminishwithout it being robbed and without his being pleased by it, but so that hewill be pleased or will have kindness from the town of his fathers or from[his] children. If Venus is thus, then injury will reach him from women, andquarrels and an ugly blemish. If Mercury is governing the year and is under theSun's light, then injury will reach him from commerce or from an associate orfrom a book and computation or from slaves, and his hope will be cut off exceptfor what God wills, and he will be told what he should not make, and sometimesproperty and the good will be offered to him, but he will not receive it.

Valens alsosaid: Look at the planet which is the lord of that year; if it is seen on theday on which the Sun enters the minute in which it was on the day of thenative's birth, then see at that hour in which this degree rises what [is] theascendent, which [is] the sign which rises from the East. Look at where theMoon is and in which sign it is, then know to how many [degrees] it is fromthat degree in which it was on the day of the native's birth; then make thatsign the ascendent of the year.

If the lordof this sign is Mars, the lord of the year, [and it is] eastern, then the workwhich is in it he will quickly make a success of, and the man will increase in[his] reasoning. If Saturn is lord of the year and is eastern in its own light,then the native will be an owner of land and crops and plants and everythingnew, and he will dig canals and rivers. If it is Jupiter and it is in its ownlight, appearing from under the rays [of the Sun and] eastern, then he willhave a good reputation among the nobles, and every work in his hand will be completed,and he will be exalted above the nobles, and if children are judged for him,then they will inherit their fathers' property. If Venus is the lord of theyear [and is] eastern, then joy and marriage and good will reach him on accountof women. If it is Mercury [and it is] eastern in a good place, then he willaccumulate property and attain good from wisdom and opinion and science and agood reputation, with the help of God.

Now I willmake clear to you [what happens] if the year reaches where the planets were inthe nativity. If the year reaches the sign in which Saturn was and Saturn is init or aspects it from trine or quartile or the seventh, then the native willhave a bad reputation, and there will reach him folly and injury and hostilityfrom men and [his] city, and some of them the government will be angry at andtreat as an enemy. If the year reaches the cardine [under] the earth or thecardine of the West and Saturn is in it or aspects it as I mentioned above, Ithen injury and hostility from men will reach him, and the evil will debilitatehim; if this is [the situation) and Mars aspects it also, then the evil will beworse, some cutting with iron will reach him or strangulation or burning infire or sweat and fever, if this is necessary for him. If Jupiter aspects thesemalefics, then the disease will be minimized. If the year reaches where Marswas and Mars is as I told you in the case of Saturn, then some evil similar towhat I said above this will reach him. If the year reaches the place of Jupiterand Jupiter is in it or aspects it as I mentioned above, then, if children arenecessary for him, then he will have a son-in-law as well and his property willincrease. If the year reaches the place of Mars and Mars and Saturn aspect thissign, then calamity and grief will reach the native in this year and he will beafraid of kings and their anger. If the year reaches the place of a maleficwhich is in it or [if] another malefic is in it, then he [the native] will notwork at anything, but will run away and will be discovered in a crime [leading]to exile and haste [in departing]. If the year reaches where Venus was, then itis not maleficent, but is beneficent, admirable, so that if he has attained[the age of] marriage, he will marry and will have children, if [Venus] is goodin its position in the base[-nativity]. If the year reaches where Mercury wasand Mercury is good, then he will attain good, and [children] will be born tohim. If Saturn aspects it, then he will be ashamed of his children and willgrieve on account of [his] slaves, and murder and grief will reach him.

If itreaches at the turning of the years the place in which the Moon was and Saturnis aspecting it, then disease will reach this native and his body will wasteaway. If Mercury is aspecting Saturn, then it will be worse for him, his workwill increase, and murder and sorrow and disasters from the dead will reachhim. If it reaches the ascendent at the turning of the years and Jupiter andVenus aspect it, then good and honor and joy and children will reach thenative, and he will marry a wife. If Saturn and Mars are aspecting, then hisproperty and his good will diminish, and he will grieve for his relatives. Ifat the turning of the years it reaches the sign which was the fourth or theseventh and Saturn is in it or aspects it from the fourth or the seventh, thenthis is a difficult indication, and a severe pain or grief for [his] propertywill reach him. If Mars is with it [Saturn], then it is worse, blood anddisasters from fire will reach him, and hot diseases will reach him, and hewill fall from a distant place, and he will not attain good, or he will be likethe form of a madman. If at the turning of the years it reaches [what was] thetenth sign at the hour [in which] he was born [and] ... is in it or aspects it,then every evil and misfortune will reach this native and no good will reachhim [save] from God.

Look at thatsign which it reaches at the turning of the years and the seventh sign from it,which of the seven [planets] aspects it. If Saturn and Mars or one of the twois in the seventh, then there will be no good in it. If Jupiter and Venus alsoare in it, then it will be good [and[ elevated. Similarly [in the case of) themonths also, if the malefics aspect them or are in them, then there is no goodin it also. If the benefics aspect them, then it diminishes from the evil ofthe malefics. If the benefics are not aspecting, then the malefic will destroythe mother of that native in that month.

Now I willmake the matter of months clear to you so that you will know them. If you wantto know this, then mark off from the sign and degree and minute in which theMoon was at the hour of the native's birth, then subtract it from the ascendent;wherever the number is used up, know which of the seven is the lord of thatsign which you have reached, and this planet will be the lord of the month atthe hour of the native's birth. If the lord of the month is in a good place, rejoicesin it, and is strong in its light, and was thus in the base-nativity, then itis good. If it was in a good place in the base-nativity but is in a bad placewhen you look, then the matter of this native is middling between this [andthat]. If it was in a place without good in the base-nativity and is in a placewithout good when you look, then the maleficence is strong, there is no good init; it will be worse for this [native] if it is not visible in the East and isunder the Sun's light. If the Moon is the lord of the month, look at the Moonon what side [of the ecliptic] it is. If it is ascending and increasing incounting, then it is good, but if it is descending and decreasing in counting,then its condition is middling between this [and that], but if it is in a decreasein light and is increasing in counting, then there is no good in it, and it isworst for this [native] if it is increasing in light and decreasing incounting. Together with this look also at the planets; if the Sun is lord ofthe month, then it is good if it is increasing with regard to the length ofdaylight, but it is worse for this [native] if it is decreasing from the lengthof daylight. It is necessary together with this that you look at the witnessesof the planets.

If you wantto know the ruler of the days, see where the Sun and Moon are at the time forwhich you wish to know this, then count from the Sun to the Moon, then cast itfrom that which was the ascendant at the hour of the native's birth. Whereverthat number is used up, see which of the planets [is] the lord of that sign asit is the ruler of the days. [With regard to] the days, it is also necessaryfor you to convert all the years into days from the first day of the native'sbirth till the day which you wish; you make each year three hundred and sixty-fivedays and a fourth of a day, then subtract successive sevens, and give eachplanet of the seven seven and begin from the planet which was in the ascendent,then to the first which follows [it]. First you subtract the number from forty-ninedays so that what is left over is less than forty-nine days, then give seven tothe lord of the sign of life [the ascendent], then seven to [the planet] whichfollows it until your number of days is used up. Wherever the number of days isused up, know which is that planet and in which sign the Moon is. If the Moonis in that sign which the days reached and a malefic was in that sign in thenativity, then disease and evil will reach them [the natives]. Similarly if theplace is bad [and] if a malefic aspects it at that time or this is the sign inwhich Saturn or Mars was in the base-nativity and this sign is the house of[one of] the malefics but benefics aspect it in transit, then his case will bemiddling. If this is reverse, then reverse it. Look at the Moon, which of thebenefics and malefics aspects it. If the planet which aspects the Moon is abenefic at the beginning of fifteen degrees [within its sign], then this daywill be hard for the native, but on that night he will find rest and recovery inthe morning.

Now I willmake clear to you a section on chronic illness. Look at the sixth sign from[the sign of] life and know [whose] house it is of the seven, and look at thebase of this sign — whether it is one of the human signs or one of the quadrupedsor the wild animal signs; then look at the lord of the sign and know what itsbase and nature are.

If the two[sign and lord] are bad together and their base is of moisture, then disasterswill reach this native from pain due to moisture and cold and pain in hisjoints, and a long-lasting pain will seize him. If the sign is the house ofMars, then a cutting with iron will reach him, and he will be burned in a fire,or dogs or lions will bite him, and some of them will be transfixed by a spear,and many disasters will reach him. These are the disasters if this planet isshining [and] luminous, but if this is covered up tinder the Sun's light thenpain or torment will reach him, and his belly will be split, and he will diefrom this. It is necessary that you know the place of that sign and its nature.If that sign is the house of Jupiter, then this native [will be] one who loveswine, these disasters will seize him, and his liver will swell. If this sign isthe house of Venus, then the disasters will be from the love of women, theirmalady will seize him like the form of a madman, his reason and his [sense of]shame will depart in the search for women; it will be worse for this [native]if Venus is in a masculine sign. If this sign is the house of Mercury, then thereputation of this native will be spoiled and his words, and he will not beabout to speak except in misery, and his hearing will decrease, andwretchedness in his throat will seize him. If this sign is the house of the Sunor the house of the Moon or the house of Mars, then a chronic illness in hiseyes will reach him, and a pain in his heart will reach him from the Sun, and apain in his spleen will reach him from the Moon.

There weremen among the ancient scientists who calculated by day from Saturn to Mars andby night from Mars to Saturn, then they cast their number from the ascendent;wherever their counting reached or the number was used up, they saw what wasthe lord of that sign, then they said to what limb of the body this sign belonged,then they predicted that the chronic illness [would be] in such and such a limbof the body according to what was named for that sign. Aries is the head,Taurus the neck, Gemini the two shoulders, Cancer the two hands and the chest,Leo the two sides and the heart, Virgo the belly and the tube of the back[spine], Libra the bladder which is between the two hips, Scorpio the male[organ] and the two testicles and the buttocks, Sagittarius the two thighstogether, Capricorn the two knees, Aquarius the two shanks, [and] Pisces thetwo feet.

There werealso some of the ancient scientists who looked at the body of men from theMoon. They said: If the malefics are aspecting the Moon from quartile or fromthe seventh — and they were looking at life from the ascendent and Venus andMercury (and the malefics aspect them) and the nature of the place in whichthey are, if this sign is one of the quadruped signs or one of the human signsor one of the watery signs — and they were looking at this sign, to which of thelimbs of the body it belongs, so that they might say that the chronic illnessis in this limb of the body of men.

If you wantto know whether this chronic illness will be on the right side or on the leftside, look from the tenth sign to the sign of life. If any of the seven is init, then the right side will be named, [but] if there is none of the seven init, then the left side will be named.

Look at thecardine, the fourth from the ascendent, and the lord of its triplicity by dayand the lord of its triplicity by night, which planet it is. Death is knownfrom the first lord of its triplicity, chronic illness from the second. Look atthis planet and the lot of chronic illness which I mentioned to you, [that]from Mars to Saturn. We take this and we desire that you know it and tell it towhoever asks you the true way of science.

The ancientscientists among the people of Babylon and Egypt, all of them, said: if theMoon and the lot are in the eleventh from the ascendent and Mars is in thesecond, then the body of this native will be broken and his joints will wasteaway, all of them. If Saturn is in the place of Mars, then this native willfall from a high, elevated place; if this sign is one of the moist signs, thenthese disasters will be from water, or some of the animals of the sea willdevour him. If the malefic are rising after the Sun and the Moon or themalefics are with the Sun and the Moon or the malefics are greater in degrees [withina sign] than the Sun and the Moon,....., and it will be worse for this [native]if it is Mars because nothing will cover up the evil of Mars except God alone,the truth of the world. If Mars is in the second sign from the Sun's sign orfrom the Moon's sign, then disasters will reach the native in his eye or hisvision will depart, and it will be worse for this if the Sun and the Moon arein the [sign of] life and the malefics are setting after the Sun and the Moon.This will happen also if the Sun and the Moon are in the West and you find themalefics in the cardines, and it will be worse for this [native] if thefullness of the Moon is like the Sun. As for the Moon, if the Sun is like this,then there will be no good in it, but if Jupiter is aspecting the Sun, then itindicates that this native will see a little with his eyes. If Saturn and Marsare rising after the Sun and the Moon, and the Sun and the Moon are in theseventh, then judge for this that chronic illness in his eyes will reach thisnative. If the Moon is aspecting Mars from the seventh and the Moon is full oflight or Mars is rising after the Moon, then a chronic illness in his eyes willreach this native. If Mars is with the Sun in the seventh from the ascendent,which is the house of marriage, and Mars is seen by Jupiter, then the state ofthe native will be thus. If Mars is with the Sun in the [sign of] life, then achronic illness in his eyes will reach him. If the Sun and the Moon are in oneof those places which I mentioned, then the state of the native will be thus.If the Sun rises after it [the Moon] or if the Sun is rising at the Moon'srising and Mars is between the two of them, then the state of this native willalso be thus. If the Moon is with Saturn in Sagittarius, then a chronic illnessin his eyes will reach this native. If also the Moon is in Sagittarius, butSaturn is aspecting it from the fourth or from the seventh, his state will alsobe thus.

What is saidin this is according to the calculation of the indication of thebase[-nativity], not of the transfer; so know this. If the year of the nativityis transferred while the Moon is blockaded between the two malefics, the nativewill dread this, but discomfort will not get hold of him by the decree of God,and he will escape from the aggregate of ailments and misfortunes. I said thatthis is in the calculation of the indication of the base[-nativity]; know thisif God wills.

If themalefics are aspecting the Sun and the Moon from the fourth or seventh, then achronic illness in his eyes will reach him.

See if thenativity is by day while the Sun is bad, as then the chronic illness will reachhim in these —his right side and his right eye and his right hand. If thenativity is by night while the Moon is in a place that the malefics spoil, thenthe chronic illness will reach him in these — the left side and the left eyeand the left hand. If the Moon is with the malefics because of which occurs thechronic illness or [if] it is aspecting them from the fourth, then this nativewill not escape from the chronic illness, neither because of the remedy ofphysicians nor by asking God for health, so that he will die in his chronicillness.

Look at thetwelfth portion [dodecatemorion] of the Sun and Moon. If the malefics aspectit, then a chronic illness in his body will reach this native.

The ancientsamong scientists wrote the judgment: If the Moon is in [certain] signs anddegrees and the malefics are aspecting it from the fourth or the seventh, orthe malefics are with the Moon, then this native, will be blue in [his] eye,and there will be darkness in his eye or his eye will be spoiled. The mane ofthe lion in Leo eighteen degrees, the stinger of the scorpion in twenty-threedegrees of Scorpio, the face of the scorpion and its eyes in eight degrees andnine degrees and ten degrees of Scorpio, the point of the arrow in threedegrees of Sagittarius, the Pleiades in six degrees up to the ninth degree of Taurus,... the ninth degree of Cancer. If the Moon is in one of these places and themalefics are aspecting them while [the Moon] is decreasing in light, then thisnative [will have] darkness in his eye. If the Moon is full of light, then achronic illness in his eye will reach this native, but his eye will not beblinded.

If Mars isin the sign of life or in the seventh sign and the Moon is aspecting Mars fromthe seventh (it is worse for this [native] if the Moon is decreasing in light),then this native will have little life and madness will seize him. If the Moonis in Taurus or a sign cut off at the base while Mars [is] in a part[dodecatemorion?] of the house of life aspecting it from the seventh, then oneof the limbs of this native will be cut off by iron so that that limb will bewretched because of it.
It will bethus also if Mars is within five signs from the [sign of] life and the Moon isaspecting it from the seventh.

If Jupiteris in the seventh and the Moon is with Mars in the house of life, then madnesswill seize this native and he will have no reason, and he will not be aware ofwhat he is doing. If Saturn is in the house of life or in the tenth while theMoon is in the seventh, then also his case will be thus; it will be worse forhim if the Moon is with Mars. If they are thus in that position and thebenefics are rising after them, then the benefics are spoiled in this [and]injured; that time is the first day of the month when the new moon appears. Ifthe Sun and the Moon are in the same sign and Mars is between them while Saturnis aspecting them and rising after them, then this native will not have reason.If this is in the eighth sign, it will be worse for him. If the benefics areaspecting them or rising after them, then he will escape from this misfortune.If the Moon and Jupiter are in the house of life and Mars is aspecting themfrom the seventh, then this native will not have reason.

If the Moonis under the Sun's light or is decreasing in light and is leaving the maleficswhile these malefics are in the cardines, then this native will have nostrength and no power, and he will be emaciated [and] sick; it will be worsefor this [native] if the other malefics are aspecting the Moon. If the Moon isleaving Saturn, then a pain in the belly will seize him, and his belly willdefecate, and a pain of coldness will seize him, and his pain will last a longtime, and a pain in the spleen will seize some of them, and he will ask for adrink, and his bell will be split open, and a cough will seize him. If the Moonis leaving Mars, then a pain of the blood will seize him in [his] belly but themedicine of doctors will help him. If this native is a girl, then all of thesediseases will seize her and together with all these diseases other diseaseswill reach her because her belly will swell up and her child will not live, buther child will be cut off in her belly but she will keep the black bile. If theMoon is leaving the benefics [and] then conjoining with the malefics within thethirty degrees of the sign in which it is, then this native will be healthy forhalf his life, then after this he will swell up and diseases will seize himfrom which he will not escape.

If Saturnand Mars are in the second sign and are aspecting the Moon while Jupiter is notaspecting the Moon, then every misery will reach this native in his body. IfSaturn is aspecting Mercury, then he will be dumb, one who has lost [his]reason, and he will not be able to speak, or he will be stammering, notspeaking except with difficulty. If Saturn and Venus are in the tenth and theMoon is in the tenth and Mars is aspecting them, then this native will not beable to have intercourse with women and will be a vicious man. If the native isa girl, then she will not marry and will have no children. If Mars and Saturn areaspecting Venus and the Moon, then the male [organ] of this native and histesticles will be cut off with iron. If this native is a girl, then she will bebarren [and] will not give birth; it will be worse for this [native] if the two[malefics] are in the sixth and twelfth sign from the [sign of] life. IfJupiter is aspecting these two, then he will be one who does the work of God inworship, a prayer-leader in a mosque or the like, and his livelihood will befrom this. If Jupiter is in the place of Venus or Mercury is in [one of] thehouses of these two or Mercury is with Jupiter (it is worse for this [native]if the two are in a sign possessing two bodies and the malefics are aspectingthem), then this native will be effeminate, and this, that the native will benamed Mercury or with the name of the Moon. If the Moon is in thirty degrees ofthe sign in which it is and Saturn is aspecting the Moon from the fourth, thenthis native will be a midget, the shortest of all men.

If Saturnand Mars are in the same sign and the Moon is between them, then this nativewill be a leper, and scabies and itching will seize him. If the Moon is inAries or in Taurus and Saturn and Mars are with it, then leprosy and erysipelaswill seize him, and his body will swell up.

Look withyour intellect and your heart at that planet, if [the illness] is from it andit is on the side of the East, then that chronic illness will be at thebeginning of his life. If it is in the South, then that chronic illness will bein the middle of his life. If it is in the North, then that chronic illnesswill be in his old age. Look at that planet, whether it is seen in the East orin the West. If it is seen in the East, then it is worse; if it is seen in theWest, it is more ideal and it will be good if he is treated in his youth.

Now I willmake clear to you the matter of death. Many men of the learned have spokenregarding death; some of them look at the base of the eighth sign from the[sign of] life so that they may see what is the base of this sign and itsnature and know whether it is one of the watery signs I or one of the dry signsor one of the human signs or one of the quadruped signs or one of the wildanimal signs. They look at the lord of the eighth sign, what it is and which ofthe seven aspects the eighth sign. If the lord of the eighth sign is Saturn andSaturn is in the place of the West, then they asserted a judgment for him thatthis native will die in other than his own land. If Saturn is in a moist place,they said that this native will die in the water or the belly of a sea monsteror a fish. If the sign in which Saturn is is one of the earthy signs, then thenative will die at the peak of a mountain. If the Sun is with Saturn, they saidthat this native will fall from a high place and will die. If the lord of theeighth sign is Mars, then thieves will fall upon this native and kill [him] or[his] enemies will kill him in a fight or he will burn in a fire or an animalfrom among the earthy animals will bite him or lions will devour him. If theSun is with Mars, then this will reach him from the anger of kings or the angerof a great man so that he will be killed or crucified on a post, or his middlewill be cut with a sword, or a lion and a tiger will slay him, or animals or hogswill vie [with him]. If the lord of this eighth sign is not in its place, thenhe will die in exile from his land. If the lord of the eighth sign is in itsplace, then this native will die because of women or by means of poison anddrinking a drug. If Mercury is the lord of the eighth sign, then he will diefrom the anger of kings. If the malefics are aspecting from the eighth and thelord of the eighth is corrupted with no good in it and the lord of the eighthis not in its own place, then this native will die on a journey. If the lord ofthe eighth is in its own place, then this native will die in his own land andin his place and among his people. If this eighth place and its lord arebenefic [and] are corrupted, then the death of this native will also be thus,but his death will be better for him.

Also therewere some of those learned in the stars who counted from the Moon to theeighth, then cast it out from Saturn; wherever it reached, they looked at thatsign, which it was and which [planet] was the lord of that sign, [and] thenthey judged good or evil for him.
Some of themlooked at that planet which reached to the degree of the seventh, and not inthe casting [of rays], but they saw which of the two would be more quicklycadent in the West so that from that one they might judge death for him, if Godwills. Some of them calculate the seventh sign and the lord of its triplicity[and] then judge death for him. If Mars stands in the seventh and Mars is thelord of the seventh, then the neck of this native I will be struck by a sword.If Mars is under the Sun's light, then this pain will strike this native in anotherlimb of his body. If the Moon is standing in the seventh, then this native willdie by fire. If the seventh and its lord are malefic and the lord of theseventh is aspecting the house of life and the Moon is aspecting the house oflife, then this native will kill himself with his own hand.

If Mars isin the tenth but not in the cardines while the Moon is in a cardine, theseventh, and the malefics aspect the Moon, then enemies and thieves will killthis native. If the malefics are rising after the seventh sign or are aspectingit from the seventh (it will be worse for this [native] if the malefics are incardines), then this native will die a difficult death.

There weresome of the learned in stars who looked at the cardine, the fourth, and at thelords of its triplicity as I wrote for you above this. The first of the lordsof the triplicity indicates death and the second indicates chronic illness.When the two are together in a place in which [there is] no good, then judgefor him with your intellect at the native's birth that he will die a difficultdeath. If the first lord of the triplicity is in the fourth or in the seventh,then this native will die and not one of men will appear to him, and they willnot know how he died, and they said that this man will be named as a messenger.

If that[planet] from which is the chronic illness is in the seventh, then this nativewill be chronically ill [and] miserable; if it is aspecting the house of life,it will be worse for him. If the lord of the seventh sign is a malefic and isunder the Sun's light, then this native will die from [his] slaves or from amatter which no one knows. If this planet is seen in the East, then this nativewill die publicly, but if it is retrograde, then this native will die from adrug in which [there is] no good, and his suffering will be prolonged.

Look at thenature of the sign as, if it is one of the human signs, then he will diebecause of men, and if it is one of the watery signs, then he will die becauseof water, and if it is one of the quadruped signs, then he will die because ofquadrupeds or lions will eat him. If the malefic are with the Moon or the othermalefics are aspecting the Moon from the seventh, then he will die fromsurgery. If the Moon is in a new sign when it shines from the Sun and... isaspecting the Sun from the fourth or the seventh but not aspecting the Moon,then this native will kill himself. If the Sun is eclipsed in the seventh signor the Moon is passing from a degree which aspects I the degree in which theSun is, then this native will die in fire or in water, and many people will diewith him.

Look at thenature of this sign, and if the lord of the seventh is in a place in which[there is] no good or is in the tenth while the malefics are with the Moon,then this native will fall from a high place and will die from it. If the lordof the lot of the seventh is with the lot of luck and the malefics aredeterminative, then he will die because of his friends. If Venus is in theseventh house and the Moon is in a house strange to it and the malefics arewith it, then the death of this native will be because of a woman who has hadmany husbands, [but] then they died. If Jupiter is like Venus, then he will diebecause of [his] children or from his good name and good reputation which theywill be envious of. If Mars is like Venus, then [he will die] because of hisbrothers. If it is the Sun, then he will die because of his mother and hisancestors. If the Moon is like Venus, then he will die because of his motherand his father's wife.

Now I willalso make clear to you the transfer of some of the seven to the places of theothers. As each planet of the seven reaches the place which it aspected fromthe seventh on the day on which that native was born, then it is difficult inits maleficence. If it reaches that place which it had reached on the day ofthe native's birth, it also is malefic. It is worse for this [native] and moredifficult in its maleficence if Mars is reaching the place in which Jupiter orthe Sun was by day, or [if] Saturn is reaching the place in which the Moon wasby night. It is worse for this [native] if a malefic is in it as disasters willreach this native in his body and quarrels with his father. If Saturn or Marsis in the triplicity of that sign in which it was on the day of the native'sbirth, then it will be more perfect than that if they are both in the fourth orthe seventh. If the malefics are in right quartile, then [there will be] nogood in it, but if the benefics are, then it will be good [and] his face willbe clear. If the benefics are in their triplicities, then this native willattain good. If the malefics are in their triplicities, then it will harm thisnative because the lord of the triplicity [being] Mars by day and Saturn bynight is the worst of what might be; it is worse for this [native] if the twoin the base-nativity were in a place in which [there is] no good. If the nativepasses thirty years, then it will diminish from the disasters of Saturn, or around[that] year. If Saturn and Mars are rising after cardines, then also quarrelsand misery will reach this native. If in the base-nativity Saturn and Mars werein their places in which [there is] no good, so [if] at the turning of theyears the benefics also are in a place in which [there is] no good, then itwill diminish from that good which belonged to this native in that year.

If the Moonreaches its own place in the turning of the years, then this native will becheerful and will rejoice. If the Moon is with Venus and Jupiter, then thisnative will rejoice and will be cheerful. If the Moon reaches the Sun's placein the turning of the years, then it will be good in what belongs to the nativeafter his day [?]. If the Moon reaches Mars' place, unless the benefics are aspectingthe Moon, then disasters will immediately reach this native. If the Moonreaches Mars' place or the Sun's place while the Sun or Mars is in the place[in which it was] on the day of the native's birth, then the blood will beexpelled from this native's body. If the Moon reaches Venus' place and themalefics are not with the Moon, then in that year this native's property willbe wasted in fornication, and he will disgrace himself, and he will be greedy,[and] people will know about him. If Saturn is with the Moon, then cold willseize this native in this year. If Saturn reaches the place in which it was inthe turning of the years, then good will reach this native. If the Moon reachesMercury's place in the turning of the years, then this native will do some workin accordance with the nature of Mercury. If the Moon reaches the house oflife, then the life of this native will be spoiled. If the Moon reaches thecardine, the tenth, then the work of this native in this year will be publiclyin accordance with the aspect of the benefics or the malefics. If it reachesthe cardine, the seventh, then the native will prosper and triumph over hisenemies and obtain his income. If the Moon reaches the cardine, the fourth, inthe turning of the years, [it will be] concerning a secret matter which he willconceal and keep quiet about, but if this native talks himself into [making] awill, then it will be good.

If Saturnand Mars reach Jupiter's place in the turning of the years, then these twospoil the goodness of Jupiter. If Saturn and Mars reach the place of Venus andMercury in the turning of the years, then these two diminish from their good.If Saturn reaches Mars' place in the turning of the years, then it will spoilthe native's heart and it will spoil him, and he himself will be wicked.

If Marsreaches Saturn's place in the turning of the years, then it will ameliorate thesoul of the native and make it firm and render him] victorious over hisenemies. If Mars reaches Venus' or Jupiter's place in the turning of the years,then it will take away all the native's good in that year. If Mars is under theSun's light, then fever and a hot temperature and a hot pain will seize thisnative in this year, and it will destroy his reason; if the father of thenative is alive, then grief will reach this native because of his father andhis state with regard to work and the authority of kings will be spoiled. IfMars reaches the Moon's place in I the turning of the years, then a pain willreach this native in his body, then afterwards he will use his intellect and bevictorious over his enemies [with] trouble and difficulty.

If Jupiterreaches Saturn's place in the turning of the years, then it will remove thecorruption of Saturn in that year, and he will attain property and good. IfJupiter reaches Mars' place in the turning of the years, then good willincrease with regard to the native's properties and he will be victorious overhis enemies in that year; it will also be thus if Mars reaches Saturn's place.If [Jupiter] reaches ...

If Venusreaches Jupiter's place in the turning of the years, then [he will have] nogood in the case of women, [and] grief and quarrels will reach the native inthis year. If Venus reaches Mars' place in the turning of the years, then thenative will leave him in anger and will not look at anyone. If Venus reachesMercury's place in the turning of the years, then it will increase the native'swork. If Venus reaches the Moon's place in the turning of the years, then hewill be good in [his] work, but a bad reputation in the matter of women will bespread against him. If Venus reaches the Sun's place, then it will spoil the lifeof that native and disasters will reach him because of women.

If Mercuryreaches the benefics' place, then it will be good; if it reaches themalefics' place, then [there will be] no good in it. If neither the beneficsnor the malefics aspect it, then this native will not be good in his work, buthe will remove grief and hardship from himself. If Mercury reaches Jupiter'splace, then he will be good in all work; it will be better for this [native] ifthis native desires entry to [the palaces of] kings. If Mercury reaches Mars'place, then this native's heart will be strong in every falsehood. If Marsreaches Mercury's place in the turning of the years, then this native willworry and will persuade himself of what has no good in it, and he will treathis friends as enemies, and his opinion of them will be low, and their slaveswill scorn some of them, and disaster will reach him in his property. IfMercury reaches Venus' place, then his work will be good and he will attaingood. If Mercury reaches the Moon's place, then the body of this native will becured and the pain in his joints will depart. If the Sun and the Moon are inthe malefics' places, then [there will be] no good in it. If the malefics arein the cardines, then [there will be] no good in it.

Now I willmake clear to you the matter of the cardines. Look concerning these fourcardines: the appraisal of the native is known from the ascendent which is thefirst cardine, the matter of children and of work is known from the tenth, thematter of women and of marriage is known from the cardine, the seventh, thematter of old age and of the end of life is known from the cardine, the fourth,and the matter of body and of property is known from the prorogation of thedegrees and [their] varieties. Look at the cardines because the ascendent givesthe matter of youth, from that place at which the Sun rises from the water, andthe darkness in their eyes is raised up I for the people of the world, andsheds light on the eyes of the messengers who sent them forth to creation.After youth look at the cardine, the tenth, and its gift [lasts] until the bodyof this native becomes warm and hair grows on his pubic area and he lovessexual intercourse. From the cardine, the seventh, will be the gift of old age,and it will diminish the strength of this native for sexual intercourse [sothat] the native will be insignificant in this, and the Sun sets and darkens[their] eyes. From the cardine, the fourth, is known the gift of death. If theplanets are luminous in these four cardines, then this native will attain good;if they are darkened, then [there will be] no good in it.

The fourthbook of Dorotheus on the revolution of the years of the nativity is completedby the praise and grace of God.

The fifthbook, about interrogations, follows it.

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