The third book of Dorotheus which he wrote with respect to the haylijand the kadhkhudah, which are the governor and the indicator of thetime of the years of life.
In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful. [Here] beginsthe third book of Dorotheus which he wrote with respect to the haylajand the kadhkhudah, which are the governor and the indicator of thetime of the years of life.
At the beginning of this he says: consider Saturn, Jupiter, andMars. If you find them eastern or in one of [their] stations(*1), [thenthey are used], but if they are under the Sun's rays in the degree ofthe Sun, then this is not counted(*2), [or if it is] western. If youfind them seven days before the nativity or seven days after it in thepositions which I named for you in the term of [one of] these three,then it will be governor of the nativity.
*1:外行星停滞期通常也是最亮或者亮度增加的时期。在Paulus的职能星取用当中也有类似的考量,但额外多了金水为晨星的状态(应该是heliacal setting?)。
根据Omar of Tyberias第11页:
“Dorotheus said that when Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are oriental,or with the Sun in one degree, or in a station, or before these placesor after thems through seven days while from there they have sometestimony to the Hyleg, it moderates or perhaps rules over the Hyleg orAlcocoden.”
A planet is eastern if it is behind the Sun and western if it isbetween its [the Sun's] hands. If there are fifteen degrees betweenSaturn and the Sun, and similarly ••• degrees between Jupiter and theSun, and eighteen degrees between Mars and the Sun, and ••• degreesbetween Venus and the Sun, and nineteen degrees between Mercury and theSun -- whenever you find them behind the Sun by these degrees, then sayconcerning them [that they have] the power of being eastern. If one ofthem is under the Sun's rays, then it will be one which will not beseen.
这边应该是在讲heliacal rising,但若是如此,那么需要注意不同的纬度,星体heliacal rising的度量,以黄经表示的度数会有所出入。
另外参见the beginning of wisdom第113页。 Mathesis第二册第九章。
See also on the third day from the nativity in the term of whichplanet the Moon is because, if this planet is a benefic and its lord isin a good place aspecting the Moon from a good place from trine whilethe Moon is in a cardine or what follows a cardine, then say that allof the nativity's condition is good. But if the lord of the Moon's termis a malefic and it is in a cardine while the lot of fortune is inopposition to the Moon, then say [that there is] no doubt that thenativity is bad. If the lord of the term is a benefic or a malefic andis in a good place aspecting the Moon, then it will be mediocre.
注意出生后第三天月亮落入的哪颗星体的term。若该颗星为吉星且其定位星落宫良好(应指强宫),且该颗吉星(?)也在吉宫跟月亮有吉相位,而月亮落在角宫或者succedent houses,则命主命格良好。
但若是月亮的term ruler为凶星且落角宫,而福点跟月亮对冲,则命格低下。
Look at the conjunction of the Moon and both halves of its courseand [its] opposition, which is [its] fullness, because if the Moon isin one of these situations, then the lord of the Moon's term rules thenativity. If you do not find the lord of the Moon's term in a cardineor in what follows a cardine, then consider the lord of the ascendant'sterm because the degree of the ascendant becomes the governor in it[the nativity]. If it is as I mentioned, then look at the lord of the[ascendant's] house, which [planet] it is, as, if it is eastern(*) in agood place, then it will be governor. If you find the lord of the[ascendant's] house under the [Sun's] rays, then see which is its lordand see whether that place in which it is is masculine or feminine.
在新月,满月,以及半月时,月亮的term ruler为命盘主宰星(但该term ruler不能落入cadent houses)。
但如果该term ruler落入cadent houses,则看向asc的term,因为asc的度数则会变成命盘的主宰星(应该是asc的term ruler才对?或者其语意是asc会成为hyleg的意思? )。
但如果asc的term ruler也落入cadent houses,则看向asc的定位星,如果该颗星体eastern且落吉宫,则该星体为命盘主宰星。
*:不确定这里是否针对恰好处在heliacal rising的状态,但根据下一句,至少星体不能受阳光笼罩是确定的。
其次,这一段似乎也在表达着term ruler(担任alcocoden的角色)不能cadent。
If the lord of the Sun's term is in a good place, then it will bethe protector of the haylaj. If the Sun is in the seventh or eighthsign, which sign is masculine, then the lord of the Sun's term will beruling in it, but if the Sun is in a feminine sign, then it will not bethus because the Sun has been feminized twice — once [by] the sign inwhich it is and the other time by its position among the twelve[places]. If you find the Sun in this position in a nativity, thenconsider the Moon.
当太阳的term ruler落在吉宫,则该term ruler可成alcocoden。 (这边很可能省略太阳落第十一与第十宫之类的相关文句。)
当太阳落在阳性星座第七或第八宫,则太阳的term ruler为alcocoden。但如果此时太阳落在阴性星座,则不可取用,因为太阳被阴性化两次,一次是阴性星座,一次是阴性象限,因此这时候要看向月亮。
If the Moon is above the earth and in midheaven or what followsmidheaven and [it is] a feminine sign, then the lord of the Moon's termwill be the ruler unless it is under the Sun's rays.
当月亮落在阴性星座第十宫或第十一宫,则月亮的term ruler为alcocoden,除非该term ruler受阳光笼罩。
If you also find the Moon in the cardine of the West or whatfollows [that] cardine in whatever sign it is, then the Moon will bethe haylaj and the lord of its term will be the ruler in thegovernorship of the other; similarly [is it done] in a nocturnalnativity.
如果月亮落在第七宫或第八宫,不论星座的阴阳性,则月亮为hyleg,而月亮的term ruler则为alcocoden;夜生盘也是类似的取用法。
If you find the Moon cadent and the Sun in a nocturnal nativity[in the cardine] under the earth or [in] the fifth place, then, if thelord of the Sun's term is free of [its] rays, it will be the ruler inthe nativity.
夜生盘,若月亮cadent,太阳落在第四宫或第五宫,太阳的term ruler没有被阳光笼罩,
则该term ruler为alcocoden(太阳为hyleg)。
If the lord of the Moon's term is under the [Sun's] rays(*), thenyou must also at night look at the Sun as, if it is in the fifth orfourth, then it will take over the governorship of this.
如果月亮的term ruler受阳光笼罩,则看向太阳(若太阳在第四或第五宫)。
*:这一句应该是在讲,夜生盘,当月亮没有cadent的时候,若月亮的term ruler受阳光笼罩的情况下。总之,作者不断强调alcocoden不能被阳光笼罩就是了。
But if the Sun and the Moon are both cadent or weakened and intheir light(*1) and it happens that the two luminaries have nopower(*2), or [if] one of the two luminaries is weak, then look at thedegree of the ascendant. If you find the lord of this ascendant underthe [Sun's] rays or cadent, then say [that there is] ruination in thisnativity and that he [the native] will have no upbringing.
*1:不确定weakened in their light是否指『蚀』,或者指两者皆在地平面下,或是远地点?
*2:这边的power若是指essential dignities,则语意所以可能是说peregrine或者失势陷落?
But if together with this a benefic is in the ascendant in what isbetween it and fifteen degrees, then mix this planet with the haylaj.
注译者:参见第一册第七章与第二十六章,这边的十五度单位应该是指OA而非黄经。参见Avraham Ibn Ezra的120 Aphorisms第29条(15度规则)。
再者,根据Omar以及Montulmo的记载,对于命盘主宰的sharer则有更进一步的条件。比较参见Omar of Tyberias第11页(见下方引用)。
If the haylaj is the Moon and the Moon is in Cancer while the lordof its term is in quartile or trine to it, then say that [the native]will be brought up; [it is] this [also] if you find the Sun [as haylaj]in its own house, but if it is in what is like it among the houses,then look at the lord of its [the Sun's] term or house. Calculate ifthe Sun is in the first degrees of Aries and the lord of its [theSun's] term or house aspects it as this becomes the indicator.
当月亮为hyleg,而月亮落在巨蟹,且月亮的term ruler跟月亮有四分相或三分相,则命主可被抚养长大;同样地,当太阳狮子为hyleg,也注意太阳term ruler跟太阳之间的关系。
注意当太阳落在白羊(第一度),且太阳的term ruler或者定位星火星跟太阳有相位,若有的话,则该颗星体(例如定位星火星)则为命盘主宰星。 (太阳为indicator。)
注译者:似乎可以窥见到一个相当重要的关键,即,根据Omar或者其他中世纪初期的大家,光体落在自己主宰的以及擢升的星座,可同时担任hyleg与alcocoden。不过根据上面这段的记载,此时若是term ruler或者光体定位星跟光体有相位的话,则该termruler或光体定位星则成为alcocoden。我认为若要以技术面来解释,则『相位』本身多了一个Dignity;若以哲学面来看,则可从魂魄的角度切入。
If Mars(*1) and Jupiter are in cardines or some of those thatfollow cardines or in the places which I mentioned above or in theirhouses or in their terms or in their exaltations or in theirtriplicities or in their portions, then it will be good as [those]planets will rule in the nativity which are in their house orterm or image [decans](*2) or exaltation or tripliciti[es].
吉星落角宫或者吉宫,且有ED或者sect,则这些星体可以成为命盘主宰星的sharer。 (?)
注译者:比较参见Omar of Tyberias第11页。
“And commingle with the Hyleg [any] planet which is in theAscendant or in the Midheaven. And its commingling is such that youshould look at the planet which is in the Ascendant or in theMidheaven; if it has any dignity in the [ place of] the Hyleg bydomicile, exaltation, triplicity or bound, it will be called a sharer,that is, it will be similar to it and it(*) will be held more worthythan a planet which has one part, that is , one dignity.” (*alcocoden?)
下面开始讲Primary Directions。
Now I will explain to you the length of life and the number ofyears as I attempt [to compute it]. because sometimes you will want toconsider it in a horoscopic diagram as I will show you. The native wasborn in the ninety- sixth year of the years of Darinus [Diocletian] inthe month Mihr on the second day in one and a half equinoctial hours ofdaylight. I wanted to know the places of the haylaj among which he wasborn because they are five places, and none of the planets was in themexcept in the ascendant in which the Sun was; and it is the best of theplaces.
But I calculated for this nativity from the degrees of the ascendant,and its degrees progress in the clime in which the native was born,which is the fourth clime. Saturn is in Taurus four degrees and thirtyminutes, so it is casting rays from sextile to five degrees of Pisces.Because the ascendant is in eighteen degrees count from the ascendantto the rays of Saturn, and it does not come down to it. Then Mars inTaurus twenty-four degrees and fifty minutes casts rays to twenty-fivedegrees of Pisces.
这是Primary Direction。 Dorotheus似乎在这边不用converse,因此土星的六分相不往下碰asc,而火星以diurnal motion去碰asc。 (ASC为significator,火星为promissor。)
I wanted to know in how many years the ascendant would conjoinwith the rays of Mars. I took the eighteen degrees of the ascendant andI found in the [tables for] my clime and the twelve parts [signs][that] placed under it [was] three hundred and fifty-two [time] degreesand thirty seconds(应该是minutes才对); I wrote this down separately.
言下之意,即asc推移到火星的六分相。 (ASC为significator)
Then I took the twenty-four degrees and fifty minutes where Marscast its rays to Pisces and I found the rising-times under this [to be]three hundred and fifty-six [time] degrees and forty-eight minutes; soI subtracted the three hundred and fifty-two [degrees] and thirty[minutes] which belong to the ascendant, and there were left four[time] degrees and eighteen minutes. I said that the degrees of theascendant would conjoin with the sextile rays of Mars (*) in four yearsand a fifth and a tenth of a year.
356度48分– 352度30分= 4度18分
*:很显然作者认为(应该是Dorotheus)凶星的六分相也可杀。见下方Directing by Terms一段。
Because Venus [is] in this term, it dissolves the fear and miserythat Mars indicates and he will not die, but this misery will pass byhim because whenever the rays of the benefics are found with the raysof the malefics, then the benefic dissolves whatever the maleficindicates; but if the malefic and its term cast rays without thebenefics, then it will not be long before he dies.
下面这一段开始非常类似Omar所记载的Directing by Terms,但有些许出入。
Then, when the degrees of the ascendant depart from Aries, theywill descend to the [first] term of Taurus, which [is] the place inwhich Saturn is.
I computed this thus in the [table for the] clime in which I was,and I found the rising-times under thirty degrees of Aries [to be]nineteen [time] degrees and twelve minutes.
I wanted to subtract from these the [rising-]times which [were]under the degrees of the ascendant. Because they were greater than thenineteen [degrees] and twelve [minutes] which [are] in Aries and I wasnot able to subtract it, I added to it [19; 12] a complete rotation,which is three hundred and sixty degrees, and I subtracted from it[379; 12] the three hundred and fifty-two [degrees] and thirty[minutes] which [were] under the degrees of the ascendant; thereremained twenty-six [degrees] and forty-two [minutes]. I said [that]the degree of the ascendant will depart from Aries in twenty-six yearsand a half and a fifth of a year.
This makes clear that the conjunction of the degree of theascendant with a malefic indicates a great misery unless there are someof the benefics which cast their rays to this term(*1) becausesometimes misery and death will come to him before the conjunction ofthe degree with a malefic.(*2) This [was] in twenty-six years and ahalf and a fifth of a year.
*2:也就是说,在asc碰到凶星的弧角到期之前,asc推移到凶星光所触及的bounds(或是directing byterms的交接期),若此时没有吉星涉入(至bound),则凶险或者死亡也极有可能发生。注译者:我认为这个弧角推运会发展出这样的论断方式(即凶星弧角未到期前,在bounds交界,或者进入该bound等等状况,会带来凶险。而不论是哪种状况,其应期似乎都不够清晰?)有大半的原因在于天文计算所产生的大量误差,当然所选用的天文观与计算方式也是其中影响因素。因此我也认为这是Directing by Terms除了带有timing应期的功用之外,所以沾染运势交替起伏色彩的原因之一。
But I wanted to know when would be its conjunction with the degreeof Saturn. I took the four degrees and thirty minutes in which Saturn[was] and I found in the [table for the] clime and the twelve parts[signs] [that ] the rising-times [are] twenty-two [degrees] andtwenty-one [minutes]. Because [this was] less than what I wanted tosubtract from it, I added to it [22; 21] a rotation, and it becamethree hundred and eighty-two [degrees] and twenty-one [minutes], and Isubtracted from it [that] which was placed under the degree of theascendant, which was three hundred and fifty-two [degrees] and thirty[minutes]; there remained twenty-nine [degrees] and fifty-one[minutes]. I said that in twenty-nine years and a half and a quarterand a tenth of a year the degree of the ascendant would conjoin withSaturn.
Because the Sun cast its rays from sextile to the first term ofTaurus where Saturn was staying, the heat of the Sun will drive awaythe maleficence of Saturn, and the harsh misery will pass him by, andhe will not die.
In twenty-two degrees of Taurus the degree of the ascendant willarrive at where Mars [was]. I took twenty-two degrees of Taurus(*) andentered with them in the [table for the] clime and the twelve parts[signs ], and I found [that] the rising-times [were] thirty-five[degrees] and twenty-four [minutes]. Because [it was] small [and] Icould not subtract from it what I wanted to, I added to it [35; 24] arotation, and it became three hundred and ninety-five [degrees] andtwenty-four [minutes], and I subtracted from it the three hundred andfifty-two [degrees] and thirty [minutes ] which belong to theascendant; there remained forty-two [degrees] and fifty-four [minutes].I said that it will arrive at the term in which Mars is in forty-twoyears and a half and a third and two- thirds of a tenth of a year.
本命金牛座22度的OA为35度24分。 (金牛座22度开始为土星主宰的term)
*:很显然这边是使用Egyptian Terms。
The degree of the ascendant to the degree of Mars: I calculated itthus. I entered with the twenty-four [degrees] and fifty [minutes]which pertained to Mars in Taurus in the [table for the] clime in whichI was and its parts [signs], and I found [that] the rising-times [were]thirty-seven [degrees] and forty-three [minutes], and because of itssmallness I added to it [37; 43] a rotation, and it became threehundred and ninety-seven [degrees] and forty-three [minutes], and Isubtracted from it the three hundred and fifty-two [degrees] and thirty(minutes) which belong to the ascendant; there remained forty- fiveyears and a sixth and half a tenth of a year [in which] the ascendantwould conjoin with Mars.
本命火星所在的OA为37度43分。 Asc推移到火星的ascensions为45度13分。
Because Venus also cast its rays on this place from sextile, itwill dissolve the maleficance of Mars, and he will not die because ofVenus' aspect, and whatever of [its] rays it cast to this place(*1), bymeans of them this misery will pass [him] by. Then the rays [of themalefics] will not reach it [the ascendant] until it comes to Cancer,so that the degrees of Taurus and Gemini pass it by because none of themalefics will aspect [it] till it reaches the degrees of Cancer.(*2)
Then the degrees of the ascendant will enter the beginning ofCancer and Saturn will aspect it. I computed thus. I entered withthirty degrees of Gemini in [the table for] my clime and its parts[signs] and I found [that] the rising [-time was] seventy-one [degrees]and twenty-five [minutes], and because [it was] small I added arotation and I subtracted [from the sum] those three hundred andfifty-two [degrees] and thirty [minutes]; there remained seventy-eight[degrees] and forty-five [minutes]. I said that the degrees of theascendant will enter the first term of Cancer where are the sextilerays of Saturn in seventy-eight years and a half and a fourth of ayear.
本命Asc推移到巨蟹零度的ascensions为78度55分。 (*这边非一度一年,因为最后一句说78年又9个月。但也可能是资料字误所致。)
Then I calculated its conjunction with the degree of Saturn. Itook the four degrees and thirty minutes in which Saturn was and Ientered with them in the [table of] rising-times of Cancer, and theywere seventy-six [degrees] [ and twenty minutes], and I added arotation and subtracted from it three hundred and fifty-two [degrees]and thirty [minutes]; there remained eighty-three years and a half anda third of a year.
本命asc推移到巨蟹四度三十分的ascensions为83度50分。 (再次回到一度一年)
Because the Sun aspected from trine and cast [its] rays to thisterm in which are the rays of Saturn(*1), it will dissolve themisfortune this time, [but] he will die then when the rays of Marsreach it [ the ascendant].(*2)
Also it is not useful to look at the course of these degrees andtheir term, but to look at the course of the degrees of the Moonbecause the conjunction of the Moon's degree with the maleficsindicates misery, especially if with this the benefics do not aspectas, if they do aspect, they dissolve misery and death.
It is necessary for you to look at the transit of the planets andthe revolution of years; in these sometimes it makes him miserable andspoils [his] life(*1), but we do not find this peculiarity in everyone[of the books ].(*2) I sought for this in a long period of years and Isuffered every misery so that I might write it down.
Look at the casting of rays in latitude also because sometimes aplanet is aspecting from opposition, and if you calculate it inlatitude and you find one (planet) in the south, the other in thenorth, then this is not in opposition and also does not cast [its]rays, which according to this indicates misery.
Also if you find both the Sun and the Moon in the sixth or theeighth or the twelfth and the malefics aspect [them], then theyindicate death when their degrees conjoin with the malefics. But ifthey are in a bad place but are not injured, and you find the maleficscasting [their] rays close to their degrees, then the misery whichwould be will pass by, and he will not die in it. |