Chapt.29. The Native's Law and Religion, and his Dreams. In matters of faith and dream, look at the two houses, the 3rdand the 9th, because from them is known [the native's] law and dreams.Therefore, you should know their strengths, and which planets are in them, orwhich aspect them, and which are the lords of the domicile, exaltation,triplicity, and terms, and in which house of the circle they are located. Alsowhich one is the lord of the Part of Law, and in which house the Part [itself]is located, whether it is in a mobile sign or one of two bodies or a fixed[sign], or whether it is in an angle or a succedent or a cadent [house],whether its lord is oriental or occidental, direct or retrograde, under the Sunbeams or beyond them. You will also observe that Mercury has its own propersignification in matters of faith and dreams, more so than the others.Wherefore, see which of the
planetsit is configured with, or to which it applies, and which brings the mostdignity to it. And so,
If Mercury is in domicileof Saturn, or in aspect with it, it signifies that the native will have deepknowledge, and that he will be persistent, and that he will keep his ownthoughts hidden, he will hates joy, laughter, and games, and will live in anhumble manner and endure restricted means and hard work, especially if thefortunes do not aspect it and if they are cadent. But if it is in a domicile of Jupiter, or in aspect with it, it signifiesthat he will have fame, good fortune, and good faith. And if it is in a domicile of Mars,
orin an evil aspect with it, it signifies that the native will
have bad faith, be pouring out blood,encountering injuries, and deriding his own law. But If it is in a good aspectwith it, he will be a beautiful builder of [the sort of] lies that were neverpreviously contrived by anyone, an inventor of every sort of wickedness and ofnew and outrageous crimes, a decorator of falsity, a finger-pointer, and aninformer. And if it is in the domicile of the Sun, or in aspect with it, he will beserious, humble, trustworthy, and wise, skilled in books and Judgments,religious, and loving riches. But If It Is In d domicile of Venus, or in aspect with it, he will begenerous, good-spirited, and very joyful. And if Mars aspects it, he will beunconcerned and a scoffer at his own law. But if it is in the domicile of the Moon, or in aspect with it, it signifiesthat the native will
fearGod and delight in the good reputation that he will attain, [and that he willbe] famous and praiseworthy. And if Mercury is in its own domicile, it signifies that the native willbe a master of knowledge and of good faith, wise In divine books, and in booksof other sorts, from which he will attain fame and a celebrated reputation,especially if Jupiter aspects it. And if the 9th sign is common, and its lord is in a common sign, itsignifies that the native will be unstable in his faith, especially if Marsaspects the 9th. But if the 9th is a mobile sign, it signifies that the nativewill have his doubts about faith or law, and that he will change from one toanother, and that he will not be constant in any one thing. But if the 9th signis fixed, and its lord is placed in a fixed sign, it signifies his constancy infaith, counsel, and action, especially if Mars does not impedit it. And if the [planet] that hat the principal dignities in the 9thhouse [is posited) either in the ASC [or] in the MC free from [any aspect of]the evil
[planets] (for thelord of the 9th house is fortunately placed in these houses), pronounce freelythat the native will display good sense in the best things, be a lover of wisdomand the arts, and perfect in his faith, especially if Jupiter is lord of the9th or aspects the lord of its sign. And know that when the lord of the 9th is oriental in those houses thatwe have mentioned, the native will disclose his own law; but if it isoccidental, he will hide and conceal his own law. When Mercury is with the Moonin the 9th sign, in his own domicile or in the Moon's domicile, and the Part ofFaith is with them, it signifies that the native will be subtle in knowledgeand wisdom, and he will be an expositor of boots, dreams, and Judgments, or hewill be a prophet. And if Jupiter is with them or aspects then, it signifies thathe will be truthful, [well-]received by all men, good, benevolent, and belovedby men, and a searcher for insights into great and serious matters.
When the Head of the Dragon of the moon is in the 3rd house in nocturnalnativities, it signifies that the native will be well-known and firm in the lawand in his own faith. Especially if the Sun or Jupiter or Mercury aspect it, or if two of them aspect it, because thenhe will be generally better and more praised. And if the 9th houseis a domicile of Jupiter and the Moon is in it in nocturnal nativities, itsignifies that the native will be a skilled astronomer and an annunciator of divinationsand things that will happen in the future... Similarly, if Mercury is lord ofthe 9th, or there is in the 9th a star of the nature of Mercury.
Furthermore, when you find the Moon in the ASC, it signifies that thenative will be an unpleasant sort [of person] and evil-minded. Similarly, ifthe Fart of Fortune is in the ASC or the Angle of Earth In diurnal andnocturnal nativities, it signifies that the native will be an unpleasant sortand one doing evil to those close to him. Also, when the Part of Faith is with Saturn, it signifies that the nativewill be one who is continually searching into things and putting them off. Andif it is with Jupiter, it signifies that the native will be of good faith andthat he will have a beautiful manner of speech. And if it in with Mars, he willbe of bad faith and evil habits. But if it is with the Sun, and yet not underthe Sun beams, the native will be wise, enjoying a name and good repute. And ifit is with Venus, it signifies that he will be benevolent and a lover of playand Joy. And if it is with Mercury,
itsignifies knowledge of arithmetic, books, and business. And if it is with themoon, it signifies that the native will be generous and neat. And if the 9th house is a domicile of Jupiter, or the exaltation of theSun, the Moon, or Venus, and the lord of its own exaltation is the lord of thetriplicity of the luminary that has the dignity, and it is in a good place inthe circle, the native will get his livelihood from faith or from law. And hewill be of good faith, praised and beloved by men. And if any one of thefortunes is in the 3rd sign or the 9th, the native will be fortunate through faith, thelaw, or the various branches of knowledge. Similarly, if the lords of these twohouses are in good places in the circle, free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets],it signifies the same thing. But if Saturn is lord of the 9th sign, itsignifies that the native will be wise, especially if it is in aspect with thefortunes, and not retrograde, nor under the Sun beams. For this planet, when itis under the Sun beams, signifies deception and concealment, but whenretrograde, lies. And look at the signs of the 3rd and the 9th house and their lords, andthe Part of Faith and its lord. And if they are satisfactorily placed, all ormost of them free from impediment and from falling from the angles, the nativewill be of good faith and religion. But if they are impedited, or if evil[planets] are in the 3rd or the 9th house, or they are in square or oppositionaspect to [either of these houses], it signifies an evil and corrupted faith.The Moon too, if it is lord of the 3rd, or the lord of the 3rd is in the 9th,or vice versa the lord of the 9th is in the 3rd, or she herself or Mercury isin then, and Jupiter or Venus are lords of the houses and posited in angles, itsignifies a kingdom and elevation [of the native] because of things related tofaith. And if you want to know in which age the native will have the bestfaith, take [as principal significators] the lords of the triplicity of thePart of Faith, because whichever one of them is the best by condition andhouse, and fortunately placed in the 3rd (house) from the Sun, in the time ofthat one the native will have the best faith and [observation of] religion. |