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abu ali al-khayyat -- The Judgments of Nativities

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-18 06:50:25 | 显示全部楼层
Chapt. 12 The Fortune of the Brothers.

Look at the third sign from the ASC and itslord, and which of the fortunate or the evil planets are there, or which[planets] aspect it by square or opposite aspect. Because if the fortunes arethere or they are in aspect, it signifies good fortune for the brothers andmuch prosperity for them. But if the evil (planets) are there, or if theyaspect the house by square or opposite aspect, it signifies bad conditions forthe brothers and little good for them.

But if the third sign from the ASC is one ofthose signs signifying many brothers and its lord is in a similar [sign], itsignifies many brothers. And if it is one of the signs signifying few brothersand its lord is in a similar (sign), it signifies few brothers. But the signssignifying many children are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; and [thosesignifying] few children are Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius. And the restof the signs are middling as to few or many children.

And when the sign ofbrothers is common and its lord is in common sign, it signifies that he willhave brothers from his father only or from his mother. And if the lord of the sign of brothers is goinginto combustion, it signifies few brothers. The separation of the Moon fromSaturn in an angle in a nocturnal nativity or from Mars in a diurnal nativity, signifiesthe death of the elder brothers.

When the native’s ASC isone of the signs signifying many children, and the Moon is similarly placed, itsignifies many brothers and sisters from the mother only. And when the native's ASC is the 3rd degree ofScorpio, it signifies that the native will not have brothers or sisters fromhis own mother. Next, look at Mars and its sign with regard to brothers. If itis in a sign of many children and its lord is oriental, it signifies manybrothers, and especially if the ASC is Leo or Sagittarius and the Moon is in[one of] those [signs].

When Mars enters into combustion, itsignifies few brothers and the death of the elder ones. And if there is aperegrine or an evil planet in the third sign, it signifies few brothers. Butif Mars and the lord of its triplicity is in a suitable place in the circle [ofhouses] and from the Sun, it signifies the agreement and strength of thebrothers and much benefit. And if it is in its own fall or its own detriment orgoing into combustion or the lords of its triplicity are in evil houses, itsignifies few brothers and debility and bad conditions for them. Besides all this, if the lords of the triplicity of the ASCare cadent, it signifies few brothers. And if they are in middlingsigns, it signifies that they will be mediocre. Look also at the Part ofBrothers and its lord, because, if their testimonies are the same, their effectwill be stronger and their judgment more certain. But if they are different,the testimonies of the 3rd sign and its lord will be stronger.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-19 23:37:58 | 显示全部楼层

RE: abu ali al-khayyat -- The Judgments of Nativities

Chapt. 13.
TheNumber of Brothers.

Consider the lords of the triplicity of theASC. If they are in the ASC, the native will be his mother's first born. And ifthey are in the MC, he will be the first or the tenth. If in the Angle ofEarth, he will be the first or the fourth, if in the 7th, he will be the firstor the seventh. And if they are not in the angles, but are above the earth,count from them up to the ASC. If there are infortunes between them, they signifythe number of elder brothers. And look from the degree of the MC to the degreeof the ASC. For if there are fortunes between them, they signify that thenative has living brothers. But if there are malefics between the prior angles,they signify that he had brothers, but they are already dead. But if thefortunes are there, not the malefic stars, they signify that he is the firstborn of his own mother.

After this, look in the same manner at theplanets which are between the ASC and the Angle of Earth. If are benefics, the motherwill bear children again after him. But if they are malefics, some will livebut many of them will be born prematurely.

And if there are no infortunes between them, thenative's mother will not bear any children after him that will live; and ifthere are evil [planets], she will bear children that will die or will perishin premature birth. Furthermore, if neither fortunes nor evil [planets] arethere, she will not bear [any] after him.

Next, look at the lord of the house ofbrothers. If it is in the ASC or in the 7th house, he is an only child, thatis, one without brothers. And if it is in the MC, he has brothers older than heis. If in the Angle of Earth, he has a younger brother, and the brothers beforehim are masculine.

And if the lord of the house of brothers is joinedto evil [planets] or in aspect with them, it signifies the death and destructionof them among themselves. And if it is joined to fortunes or in aspect withthem, it signifies that the brothers will endure and that there will be concordand joy among them.

Moreover, you will observe that the Sun andSaturn signify elder brothers, Jupiter and Mars middle brothers, Mercuryyounger brothers, the Moon elder sisters, and Venus younger sisters. Andtherefore if the Sun and Saturn are impedited, it signifies the death of theelder brothers; if Jupiter and Mars, of the middle brothers; if Mercury, theyounger (brothers); if the Moon, the elder sisters; and if Venus, the younger(sisters).

The separation of the Moon from the Sun orfrom Saturn, signifies that the native has an elder brother; from Jupiter orfrom Mars, it signifies that he himself is not older than [all] his brothers;and from Venus, that the native has a sister older than himself; from Mercuryand from Venus, he does not have a brother older than himself. And when theMoon is void of course, it signifies that the native's brothers are in unhappycircumstances. And when it is separated from fortunes, it signifies that theelder brothers will be happy and will lead happy lives. And if it is separatedfrom evil (planets), it signifies quick death for the native's full brothersand the destruction of their possessions.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-19 23:38:54 | 显示全部楼层
The Reputation and Mobilityof the Brothers.

Know that the first lord of the triplicity of the house of brotherssignifies elder brothers; the second [lord], middle [brothers], and the third,younger [brothers]. If one of these is in its own domicile or its ownexaltation, free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets], in a suitable Placein the circle [of houses] and from the Sun, it signifies the elevation of thosebrothers of which it is the significator. And the application of the lord ofthe 3rd house to a planet in exaltation or in its own domicile signifiesthat the brothers will be prosperous and will be associated with nobles andprinces. But the application of it to a cadent planet or its conjunction withone in its fall signifies that the brothers will be worthless and willassociate with worthless men. The separation of the Moon from a planet in itsown domicile, or posited in its exaltation, signifies that the elder brotherswill have high position and great fame. And its application to a planet in itsown domicile signifies that the native will be elevated and his namewell-known, and that the one who is born after him will also be elevated.

But when you find the Head of the Dragon of the Moon in the house ofbrothers, it portends that the native will be of lesser condition and statusthan all of his brothers. And if the Tail [of the Dragon] is in the house ofbrothers, it signifies a happier status for the native than for his brothers. Andif the lord the 3rd sign is a fortune, free from [any aspect of] the evil[planets], it signifies harmony among the brothers and good status for thenative. But if they are evil [planets] and apply to malefics, it signifiesdestruction of the brothers and condemnation of the native's law. Similarly,when a benefic star is in the house of brothers or in square or opposite aspectto it, signifies the happiness of the brothers and goodness of the native’slaw. And when there is an infortune in these places, it signifies condemnation ofthe brothers’ condition and of the native’s law.

Moreover, when you want to know whether the native is of greater worth,or whether in fact his brothers, look at the lords of the triplicity of the ASCand the lords of the triplicity of the house of his brothers, for whicheverlords of the aforesaid houses are in a better or more dignified place, that onewill be of greater worth. You will recall moreover that the first lord of thetriplicity signifies elder brothers, the second [lord] middle [brothers], andthe third younger [brothers]. Similarly, the Sun and Saturn signify elderbrothers, Jupiter and Mars middle [brothers], Mercury younger [brothers], theMoon and Venus sisters, the former elder [sisters], and the latter youngerones. Therefore, whichever of these planets or of the lords of the triplicityof the 3rd house is stronger and more fortunate and in a moredignified place, those whose significator it is will be of greater worth amongbrothers.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-19 23:40:54 | 显示全部楼层
The Mutual Friendship orHatred of the Brothers.

In this connection, look at the lord of the ASC and the lord of thethird sign. If they aspect each other mutually by trine or sextile aspect, itsignifies friendship with the brothers, but if by square they will be middlingin their friendship. And if by opposition, it produces great enmity for andmuch hatred of the brothers. And if they are conjoined, it signifies a stablefriendship with the brothers. Next, you will also look at the Part of Brothersand at its place in the circle [of houses]. And if the lord of its houseaspects it by trine or sextile aspect, it signifies a firm friendship. If it aspectsit by square aspect, it signifies a middling friendship. But if by opposition,it signifies great enmity and hatred.

Know, moreover, that when the Part of Brothers is with the lord of thePart of Fortune the brothers will contend among themselves with mutual hatredand cheating and trickery. Mercury and Mars signify brothers [as I have said], sowhen these [planets] are well harmoniously posited in relation to each other,then things relating to brothers will work out more easily; but when there isno application, the brothers' possessions will be divided and dispersed. Venusand the Moon signify sisters. If they are harmonious and joined by application,it will be good for things relating to sisters. But if they are not inapplication, then the sisters possessions will be destroyed.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-19 23:42:40 | 显示全部楼层
Chapt. 16. The Fortune of the Parents, and the ThingsSignified by the Fourth House.

For the fortune ofthe parents, consider the place of the Sun in a diurnal nativity and the place of Saturn in anocturnal nativity. But in a diurnal chart as well as in a nocturnal chart youwill [also] look at the Part of the Father andits lord, and for both parents the 4th signfrom the ASC with its lord.

Next, as regards themother, you will make your judgment from Venus by day and the Moon by night,(and) both by day and by night from the Part of the Mother and its lord. And ifyou find [all] the significators of the father and the mother, or the majorityof them, having many aspects and dignities in the angles, or in the succedentsof the angles, and Fortuna is in the house of the father, and the lords of thetriplicity of that luminary which is the lord of the Time are happily positedin strong places in the circle (of houses), it signifies prosperity for theparents and good circumstances andmuch joy for them. But if they are impedited and inevil houses, it signifies unhappy conditionsfor the parents and long-lasting infirmity.

But if the Sun is ina suitable place in a day nativity, and the lords of its triplicity are in evilhouses, it signifies that the father will be in prosperous circumstances at thetime of the nativity, but in unhappy circumstances in the future. [But] if thesame luminary is in an evil house, and the lords of its triplicity are in goodhouses, it signifies bad conditions for the parents at the time of the native'sbirth, but it indicates good (conditions) to the future.

In general, the Sunin diurnal nativities with the Part of the Father has signification over the conditionof the father in the hour of the nativity; and Saturn and the Part of theFather signify the fortune of the father in nocturnal nativities. Therefore,direct the degree of the Sun and the Part of the Father in diurnal nativities,and the degree of Saturn and the Part of the Father in nocturnal nativities, tothe body of the fortunes and the malefics and to their rays.

For if the aforesaidsignificators are conjoined with fortunes or have Alictisal with them, itsignifies elevation and happiness for the father; and when they are conjoinedby direction to the evil [planets], or have Alictisal with them, it signifiesinfirmities and other dangers that happen to the parents, but especially whenthey becomeequal in degrees, and if, with the infortunes prevailing, the fortunes do not project their rays there. Moreover, in sucha direction, when the Part of the Father andits lord are conjoined, either by body or byrays, [the father] will come into much money.

And when Mercury iswith Mars or when it aspects him with hostile rays, it signifies an intensification of thehatred between the brothers and thedishonesty, treachery, and deceit of one against another.

Also, the Part of theFather in good and strong houses from the ASC and from the significator of thefather -- either the Sun or Saturn -- according to what the distinction of time gives, signifies anincrease in honour for the father. But in houses from the ASC, or from Saturnor the Sun, that are cadent, it signifies bad circumstancesfor the father: servile poverty, contempt, and low status. You will judge similarly about the mother'ssituation: by day, from Venus and the Part of the Mother; and by night from theMoon and the Part of the Mother; just as I have made plain to you in thesignification of the father from the Sun and the rest of the significators.

Look at the degree ofthe New Moon or the Full Moon most nearly preceding the nativity. And iffortunes aspect it and the evil [planets] are cadent from it, it signifies goodcircumstances for the brothers and the parents and their elevation; but if theevil [planets]aspect it and the fortunes have fallen away from it, the contrary is signified.But if both fortunes and evil [planets] aspect it at the same time, itsignifies a middling status for them, and especiallyif the Moon is in a fortunate position. And know that the sign of the New Moonand its lord signify the fortune of the father, and the sign of the Full Moonand its lord the fortune of the mother.

Besides this, look atthe 4th sign, because if Jupiter or the Sun is in it, or aspects it, it signifies theelevation of the father and his great good fortune. And if Venus or the Moon isin it, or aspects the sign, the elevation and high status of the mother issignified and her good fortune. And if any one of the evil (planets) is in it,or aspects it, and the fortunes are not in aspect, then Judge servitude andmisfortune and poverty for the native's parents. And if that sign is thedomicile or exaltation of the Sun, It signifies servitude and misfortune forthe father; but if it is the domicile of the Moon or her exaltation, itsignifies servitude for the mother and thatshe is of low degree.

Furthermore, if theluminaries themselves are in mobile signs, it signifies inconstancy for theparents and unsteady circumstances along with a great variety of things. Also,you may know that the Sun by day and Saturn by night signify the situation ofthe father at the time of the nativity; and the lords of the domicile of boththese significators signify the futurefortunes of the father.

And when thesignificators of the father, which are the lord of the domicile of the Sun indiurnal nativities and the lord of its triplicity are to their ownexaltations, or the lord of the domicile of Saturn in nocturnal nativities andthe lords of its triplicity are in their own exaltations, and in good houses ofthe figure, and the Part of the Father, and its lord by night and by day, intheir own domiciles or exaltations, all of them free from (any aspect of) theinfortunes, with an aspect of the fortunes, it signifies the elevation and highdignity and an abundance of wealth for the parents of the native, andespecially if the Part of Fortune and its lord are both fortunately placedalong with the Part of the Father, for then it also signifies that the father'sgood fortune will endure, and the son will come into a sumptuous inheritanceleft (to him) by his parents.

But contrariwise, ifthe lord of the domicile of the Sun in a diurnal nativity and the lord of itstriplicity, or the lord of the domicile ofSaturn in nocturnal nativities and the lord of its triplicity are in evilhouses, or in their detriment, or in their own fall configured with the evil(planets), it signifies the downfall of the father and the loss of his assets.Look further into the value and worth of the familyand of their success in riches and dignities from the Ductoria of the diurnalplanets from the Sun and of the nocturnal planets from Saturn. And if you findany one of them in its own Ductoria, it will signify increase and elevation andenlargement of the honour and worth of the family in the future.

Similar is thejudgment on the fortune of the mother from the Ductoria of the nocturnalplanets and from the Moon. And if any one of them is in its own Ductoria, Itdenotes the elevation of the mother and her importance and an Increase indignity for her in the future.

Besides all this, injudging the status of the family, look at the Sun by day and its lord and thelord of its triplicity; or, if the nativity is nocturnal, at Saturn and thelord of its domicile and the lords of its triplicity. For if the Sun and theMoon and the lords of the aforesaid domiciles and the lords of the triplicitiesare in angles,free from (any aspects with] the evil [planets] and from detriments, it signifies joy and prosperity for the nativeand his family. But If [these significators]are discovered to be impedited and conjoinedto the evil [planets], not in aspect with the ASC, and cadent, it signifies anunhappy status and death for the native as well as for his family.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-22 22:11:04 | 显示全部楼层
Chapt. 17.
TheLength of Life of the father.

Ptolemy said,"Look at the Sun when the nativity is by day. If it aspects the ASC, direct itto the body and the rays of the infortunes by the degrees of ascension, givingto each degree of ascension one year." And if the Sun does not aspect theASC, but Saturn does aspect it, direct it Instead of the Sun; but if it does notaspect the Sun either, [then] in place of thesedirect the degree of the Angle of Earth.

In nocturnalnativities you will begin with Saturn, after it the Sun, and after theSun the degree of the IMC. Then look at how many years result from the degrees of the ascensions. Which, if it is asmany as those that that planet signifies, which hasthe greater dignity by day in the place of theSun and in the lord of its domicile, and byday and by night equally, in the 4th house and its lord, but by night in Saturn and in the lord of itsdomicile, and the Part of the Father and its lord," or if the number ofdegrees of ascension was nearly equal to the years of that planet, his fatherwill die in the same year."
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-22 22:11:45 | 显示全部楼层
Chapt. 18.
TheLength of Lift of the Mother.

Ptolemy said,"In the case of the mother, when the nativity is diurnal, look at Venus. If itaspects the ASC, direct it to the body and the rays of the evil [planets] by thedegrees of ascension, and give one year toeach degree of ascension. And if it does not aspect the ASC, but the Moon is sending rays to it, direct herjust as we said about Venus. But if the Moondoes not aspect the ASC either, (then] direct the degree of the MC.

But in nocturnal nativitiesbegin with the Moon, then Venus, andfinally the degree of the MC. Then consider how manyyears result from the degrees of the ascensions. For if there are as manydegrees as that planet signified which has the greater dignity by day in theplace of Venus, or by night in the place of the Moon and to the lord of itsdomicile, or by day and by night equally in the degree of the MC and its lord,and in the Part of the Mother and its lord, or if the degrees of ascensionfound by the direction was nearly equal to its number of years, the death ofthe mother is signified in that year.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-25 20:21:19 | 显示全部楼层
Chap. 19.
Findingthe Hyleg for the Life of the Parents.

Look at the Sun indiurnal nativities. If it is in an angular or succeeding sign and any one of the lords ofthe five dignities aspects it the Sun will bethe Hyleg, which you will direct for the father, and the planet that is lord ofthe dignity and aspecting the Sun will be the Alcochoden, through which isknown the [number of] years of the father's life.

But if the Sun is not[posited] as we have said, and Saturn is in an angle or a succedent of anangle, and one of the lords of the five dignities aspects it, (then] Saturnwill be the Hyleg, which you will direct for the father, and the planet that isthe lord of the dignity and in aspect will be the Alcochoden.

But then, if Saturnis not configured in the aforesaid manner, look at the degree of the Part of the Father.If it is in an angle or succedent of an angle,and any one of the lords of the five dignities aspects it, (then] the Part ofthe Father will be the Hyleg, which you will direct for the father, and thelord of the dignity -- namely, the planet in aspect, will be the Alcochoden.

But if the Part wasnot [configured] as we have said, look at the degree of the house of thefather," because if any one of the lords of the five dignities aspects it, [then] thatdegree will be the Hyleg, and it must bedirected for the life of the father, and the planetin aspect that is lord of the dignity will be the Alcochoden.

In the same manner,begin in nocturnal nativities with Saturn, then with the Sun, then with thePart of the Father, and finally with the degree of the house of the father, anduse the same method that we have given previously.

Furthermore, ininvestigating the life of the Mother, you will begin with Venus in diurnal nativities, thenwith the Moon, then with the Part of the Mother, and after these with thedegree of the MC. And in nocturnal nativities, you will begin with the Moon,then with Venus, then with the Part of the Mother, and finally with the degreeof the MC. And whichever of these is the more dignified according to the rulesgiven above will be the Hyleg, which ought to be directed for the life of themother, and the lord of the dignity in aspect will be the Alcochoden as above.And if you don t find a Hyleg, direct the degree of the Moon to the fortunesand to the evil [planets] to explore the status of the mother, assigning oneyear to each degree. Also, you will know the fortune of the mother from thatplanet from which the Moon [last] separated.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-25 20:23:01 | 显示全部楼层
Chap. 20. The Status of the Children, and the ThingsSignified by
the Fifth House.

For this, look at thehouse of children and its lord, and at Venus and Jupiter, and also the Part ofChildren and its lord, and the lord of the triplicity of Jupiter. For whichever one ofthese is the most dignified in a sign of manychildren, free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets], aspecting the ASC, andespecially if it is in an angle or a succedent of an angle, signifies manychildren. And if it is in a sign signifying few children, impedited by evil[planets], and Jupiter is combust, and Venus impedited, it signifies that thenative will be barren and will never have children.And if the lord of the ASC is applied to the lord of the 7th, it signifies manychildren that are not legitimate. And if the lord of the 7th applies to thelord of the ASC, it signifies many from slave-girls. And say that many children[are signified] by Jupiter and Venus, few by Saturn and Mars, and a middlingnumber by the Sun, the Moon, and Mercury.

But if the lords ofthe triplicity of Jupiter are in good places in the circle, it signifies many children andjoy from them. But if one of them is in asuitable place and the others in dejected or evil [places], it signifies thatthe native will have one child that is outstanding and honoured. But sorrowwill come to him from the rest of hischildren, because if the lords of the triplicity of Jupiter are cadent from the angles or under the Sun beams, few childrenare indicated.

Besides this, ifJupiter and Mercury are in their own domiciles or exaltations, in angles orsuccedents of
and the
theirtriplicities are in suitable places in the circle, free from [any aspect of]the evil [planets] and from impediments, it signifies many children and joyfrom them. And look at the Part of Children and its lord, and the planetconjoined to it, or the star configured with it, and judge the fortune of thechildren according to the measure of the houses and their quality in strengthand weakness.

And know that whenthe Part of Children is in an angle or the succedent of an angle, it signifies manychildren and harmony [among them]. And if it is cadent from the angles, andespecially [if it is] in those houses that do not aspect the ASC,"
it signifies few
children and their quick demise. Besides, if the Part ofChildren does not aspect good planets, itsignifies the death of the first born child, who perhaps may be born dead; andthe native will always have sorrow from hischildren. But if there is a fortune in square or opposite aspect to the Part ofChildren, it signifies many children.
But an evil [planet]beholds it with the same aspects, it signifies few children and little joy fromthem. And if Venus is impedited by Saturn, look at the Part of Children. And ifit is in an angle, and does not aspect either Jupiter or Venus, itsignifies few children and barrenness, especially if the Moon is alsoimpedited.

And if Jupiter,Venus, and Mercury are free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets], free fromretrogradation, and free from combustion, the native will be the father of manychildren. But if they are impedited by the evil [planets], or in theirdetriment, or in their fall, or under the Sun beams, he will have no childrenand if he does have any, they will die.

And if a fortune isin the 5th sign, and the lord of the house of children is free from [any aspectof] the evil [planets] and free from impediments, and aspecting the MC, itsignifies that the native will have many children who will get along very welltogether. Conversely, If there Is an evil planet in the house of children, andthe lord of the house of children is falling from an angle, it signifies fewchildren and the swift death of one of them, and especially if it is cadent fromthe 4th or the 7th angle. And in all nativities, if the luminaries areimpedited by evil [planets], and no fortune aspects them, it signifies fewchildren and little money. Wherefore, if you have rightly understood and consideredall these things, you will discover the truth of the matter, if God wills.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-25 20:24:21 | 显示全部楼层
Chap. 21
TheTime of the Children

For the time of the children, look at theplanet which is most dignified in the significations of children. If it isoriental, it signifies children in [the native's] youth; if it is occidental,in his old age; if it is in the MC or the 11th sign, it promises children inyouth; if it is in the 3rd, 9th, or 4th house, it signifies children inmid-life. Also,
if the Partof Children is in the ASC, it signifies children in youth; if in the MC,children in Youth.
If the Part ofChildren is in the 7th or 4th house, it will give children at the end of life.And when in the revolution of years Jupiter or Venus comes to the place of thePart of Children or aspects it by square or opposition, it signifies that hewill have children at that time. (Jupiter has a greater signification forchildren than does Venus.)

Similarly, when the profection of the yearcomes to the sign in which Jupiter or Venus is placed in the nativity, itsignifies children in that year.

If you want to know the love and concord[that will exist] among the children and their goodwill towards the native,look at the planet that is most dignified in the significations of children andthe lord of the ASC. If they are in good mutual aspect or in reception, it signifiesconcord and happiness from the children. But if they are configured with mutualimpediments, it signifies discord and enmity of the children towards the nativeand harm [to him].

Similarly, if the Part of Children receives afriendly aspect from its lord, especially the Part of Children is not impeditedand its lord is a fortune, it is a true sign of sincere love between the nativeand his children, and this the more if the Part of Children and its lord aspectthe ASC and its lord with friendly rays. If the lord of the 1sthouse is in the 5th, or the lord of the 5th or the Partof Children is in it, it signifies perfect love between the native and hischildren. But if you find the lord of the 5th, the Part of Children,or its lord in the 7th house, [the children] will be open enemiesand adversaries of their father. Similarly, if the lord of the 5thhouse, the Part of Children or its lord are found in the 12th, thechildren will be secret enemies of the native. If the lord of the 1stis in the 2nd, 8th, or 12th house, the nativewill hate their children and turn them away. The Part of Life and its lord alsocause this when they are posited in these three houses, unless a strongercontrary testimony by the lords of either the 1st or the 5thhouse is in effect.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-28 23:18:55 | 显示全部楼层
Chapt.22 The Native's Slaves and Subordinates, and the Significations of the SixthHouse.

For the circumstances of slaves, subordinates, and captives, look at the6th sign and its lord and its place in the circle, and [see] besides if any oneof the benefics or malefics is in the 6th house, or the Part ofCaptives, also the place of Mercury, because through that is known itssignification over slaves, subordinates, and captives, and [Mercury's] bettercondition is when it is oriental in the ASC or in the MC applying to Jupiter,in a common or mobile sign. When any one of the fortunes is in the 6th sign orthe 12th, or the lord of the 6th is a fortune, free from [any aspect of] theevil [planets], and conjoined to Mercury, or if Mercury is joined to thefortunes or applies to them free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets], orits lord is in a suitable house, and the fortunes aspect it and the infortunesare falling away from it, it signifies many slaves and advantage and joyaccruing [to the native] from them. But truly the very worst condition forMercury is when it is retrograde, or under the Sun beams, or conjoined to theevil [planets], or applying to them in a fixed sign, because if there is anyone or the evil [planets] in the 6th sign or the 12th, or the lord of the 6this an evil planet or a planet impedited by the Sun in an evil place in thecircle, or if Mercury is impedited by evil [planets] or is falling away fromthe fortunate stars and they are not aspecting it, or if the Part of Slavesitself is impedited by the evil [planets] and lacks any aspect of the fortunes,or if the Tail of the Dragon of the Moon is found in the 6th house, itsignifies few slaves and sorrow accruing [to the native] from them.

For the circumstances of captives and slaves, look too at the star thatis most dignified in the place of the lord of the 6th, and [in the place of]the Part of Captives, and its lord, and (look at) Mercury, and the star that isin the 6th house, whether there is one or more, and its relationship or harmonywith the lord of the ASC, and whether it makes the latter fortunate orunfortunate. And judge, just as you see it, about the (slaves) utility orinutility, or about their benefit or loss [to the native]. So, consider themany (testimonies), and ponder diligently the utility, discord, benefit, orimpediment that the native will get from his slaves.

See also the planet which has the cost points of dignity in the 6thhouse, and the lord of the 6th, and the Part of Slaves and its lord, and theplanet which is in the 6th, and Mercury and the lord of the ASC, for if one ofthese makes another fortunate, it signifies agreement and success, but if oneimpedites another, their discord and impediment are signified. And keep onlooking at the multitude of testimonies until the true state of the matterbecomes apparent to you.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-28 23:20:46 | 显示全部楼层
The Native's Luck withAnimals and Cattle.

In regard to animals and cattle, look at the 12th sign and its lord, andMars and its place in the circle, and its individual condition, that is,whether it is oriental or occidental, retrograde or direct. and know that inthe case of animals it is better for Mars to be oriental in a quadrupedal sign,and especially In a regal sign in the AVD or the MC, or [even] in the 12th, becauseif you find it so and Jupiter and the Sun aspect it with a benign aspect, itsignifies that the native mill nave many animals and cattle, especially if Marsis in a house or sign where it has some dignity. And when Mars is with the Partof Fortune, it signifies that the native will love horses, weapons, andhunting, especially If the Moon, is with it and Mars is lord of the ASC or lordof the conjunction or opposition of the luminaries that was [immediately]before the nativity.

But when the 12th sign is quadrupedal and its lord is in aquadrupedal sign conjoined to the fortunes, or in aspect with them, itsignifies that the native will have advantage from animals and cattle, and theywill multiply around him. But if the 12th sign is a fixed sign and Saturnis in it or in square or in opposition, it signifies that sorrow andimpediments will happen to the native; and this will be through animals andcattle if Jupiter and Mars have particular dignity in the same sign. And knowthat if Mars is oriental in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius and it is the lord ofthe 6th or the 12th sign, it promises to the native many animals, viz. horses,camels, and [other] large animals of great value, especially if Jupiter aspectsit. And if it is in Taurus, or Virgo or Capricorn it signifies that the nativewill have many draft animals or beasts of burden, such as cattle and cows andmuch like. And similarly with other signs, when Mars is in them oriental, conjoinedto the fortunes or in aspect with them, it signifies advantage from animalsaccording to the nature of the sign in which Mars is placed. And if Sagittariusor any of the signs of a bestial nature is ascending, and the lord of the ASCis with Mars or in aspect with it from praiseworthy houses, the native willlove animals and derive pleasure from them. Similarly, if the Moon is in the placesthat I have just named for the lord of the ASC, it will signify just as much asthe lord of the ASC, if God wills.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-30 05:54:22 | 显示全部楼层
Chapt24. The Native's Infirmity and Its Causes.

With regard to the occurrences of infirmities and their causes and kinds,consider the 6th sign and its lord, and the Part of Infirmities along with itslord, and the planets that are in it, whether fortunes or malefics, and alsothe Moon, and the lord of her domicile, because she has the greatestsignification in infirmities. But if the majority of them are fortunes, or ifany one of them has more testimonies of dignity and is fortunately placed and configuredwith the lord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will be healthy and thathe will have (only) minor infirmities and few [of these]. But if the majorityof them are evil [planets], and any one of them has greater dignity, but isstill impedited by the evil [planets] and configured with the lord of the ASC,it signifies that the native will have a variety of sicknesses,
especially if it is in any of the angles orthe succedents of the angles. But If Saturn is more dignified than the others, orif the planet that is stronger than the rest is impedited by Saturn, itsignifies many maladies, viz. paralysis, hemorrhoids, dropsy, and infirmitiesthat are cold and dry and difficult to cure. And if Mars is the most dignifiedof them, or it the one that has the most dignities is impedited by Mars, it signifieshot maladies, from choler, and from blood, or fevers, delirium, and apoplexy. Andif Saturn is in the 6th sign from the ASC or from the Moon, or, in squareaspect or in opposition to these places, it, signifies many cold sicknesses, especiallyif it is in a moist sign. But if Mars is in such a position, it signifies that thenative will have many hot infirmities, from which he will either be quicklyliberated or will quickly die.

And if the Moon and its lord and the 6th sign are free from impedimentsand the [aspects of] the evil [planets], it signifies that the native will behealthy; but if, on the contrary, they are impedited, it signifies his deathand many infirmities. And if an evil [planets] is in the ASC, especially Marsin a nocturnal nativity, and it is conjoined to the Moon, it signifies weaknessof sight and the destruction of an eye. Similarly, if the luminaries areimpedited by the evil [planets], or are joined to the Tail of the Dragon of theMoon, weakness of sight is signified and the destruction of the eyes. For ifthe Moon is conjoined to the evil [planets] by square aspect or by opposition,and it is in a moist sign, it signifies that the native's many infirmities willbe from cold and moisture. And if it is in a dry sign, with these sameconditions, it signifies illness from heat and dryness. And if the planet
that signifies infirmity is oriental, the infirmitieswill be in the beginning of the native’s life. But if it is occidental, they willbe in the end of his life. If it is in the ASC, they will happen in thebeginning of life; if in the MC, they will happen in the middle of life; if in theAngle of Earth, they will happen around the end. But in any case the native's infirmitieswill be in accordance with the essential strength or weakness of the planet. Andwhen the Part of Infirmity and its lord are free from [any aspect of] the evil(planets), it promises that the native will be sound and his body healthy. Butif they are impedited, it threatens pains and the most severe tortures, butespecially if no fortune aspects them.

In general, the ASC and the Moon are significators of the body, and the lordof the ASC and the lord of the Moon s domicile are significators of the mind. Iftherefore the ASC and the Moon are impedited, but their lords are free from(any aspect of) the evil [planets], it signifies some weakness of the native'sbody, but soundness of his mind and judgment. And if the ASC and the Moon arefree from [any aspect of] the evil [planets] but their lords are impedited, itsignifies soundness of the body but sickness and terror and sadness of themind.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-30 05:55:58 | 显示全部楼层
Chap. 25.             MatrimonialMatters and their Causes, and the Things Signified by the Seventh House.

Make your judgment of matters relating tomatrimony and marriage. From the 7th sign and its lord and from the planet thatyou find in the 7th domicile of heaven, also from Venus and the Moon, and fromthe Part of Marriage and its lord. If all of these significators, or those ofthem that are the most powerful, have dignities in the angles or in thesuccedents, free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets], free from combustion,and applying to the lord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have agood and suitable marriage.

But if the lord of the ASC applies to thelord of the 7th sign, it signifies that the native has the desire to acquire wives.And contrariwise, if the lord of the 7th house applies to the lord of the ASC,it signifies that the native will be sought and esteemed by women. And if Venusis direct in an angle or a succedent, fortunately configured, and notimpedited, and the lords of its triplicity are oriental in favourable housesand free from impediments, it signifies that the native will marry in hisyouth, and he will be fortunate [in his relations]with his wives. But if Venusis cadent or combust, and the lords of its triplicity are in abject houses, andin aspect with the evil [planets], it signifies a late marriage for the nativeand inconveniences from causes relating to his wives.

And if Venus is in an angle or a succedent,free from [any aspect of] the evil (planets), and the lords of its triplicityare in evil houses, Venus signifies a good and agreeable carriage for thenative, but the lords of its triplicity [signify] disadvantage and hard workfrom the [ensuing] wedlock. And if Venus is impedited or cadent, and the lordsof its triplicity are in favourable houses, the place of Venus signifiessomething malignant in the marriage, but the lords of the triplicity signifyjoy and advantage arising from his wives [in some manner].

And if Venus, in the nativities or women ormen, is free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets] and free from impediments,and in suitable houses, it signifies an advantageous and good marriage. But ifit is impedited in an evil house, it signifies disadvantage and somethingmalignant in the marriage. But when Venus is in a mobile sign, it signifieslittle stability of the native in wedlock, and fickle passions, especially ifit is in Cancer or Capricorn. If this same (planet) is in opposition to theMoon or to square aspect to her, it signifies some impediment in the marriage.And if it is in a common sign (of two bodies, or of two faces or forms), itsignifies marriage of the native with two women.

When Venus is in a domicile of Mars and Marsis in a domicile of Venus, it signifies an abundance of wives. But if it is in adomicile of Saturn and Saturn is in her domicile, or when Venus is in adomicile of Mercury and Mercury is in her domicile, or if Venus and Mercury arein a domicile of Saturn, it shows that the native will delight more in masculineintercourse than in feminine. And if any one of the evil [planets] is inthe 7th or in the 4th house in the nativities of men, it signifies the death ofhis wives; and in the nativities of women, the death of their husbands. Andwhen Venus is peregrine and occidental, conjoined to the evil [planets], or inbad aspect with them, it signifies the swift death of his wives.
发表于 2009-10-31 20:04:27 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-31 23:48:21 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 26.             The Things Signified by the Part ofMarriage.       

Consider the Part of Marriage and its lord,if they are in angles or in succedents, free from [any aspect of] the evil[planets], adjoined to the fortunes, or in aspect with the fortunes, it signifiesthe marriage of the native with the best and most beautiful women. And if the Partand its lord are cadent and impedited by the evil [planets], but especiallywithout any aspect of the fortunes to them, it signifies the marriage of thenative with infamous whores. But if the lord of the Part of Fortune is directin its course in an angle or a succedent, free from [any aspect of] the evil(planets), it signifies the marriage of the native with beautiful women andthose of the best [quality].

And if the lord of the Part of Fortune is evil, cadent, retrograde, orcombust, it signifies the marriage of the native with women who are full offaults and who will bear no offspring. And if Venus is cadent from the ASC, conjoined toSaturn, or in evil aspect with Jupiter, it signifies that the native will havedepraved inclinations with regard to women. And if the lord of the 7th and thelord of the Moon's domicile do not aspect the Moon, and the lord of the Part ofMarriage does not aspect the Part, and the lord of the domicile of Venus doesnot aspect her, it signifies depravity of the native's inclinations with regardto marriage and desire. Moreover, when Saturn is elevated above Venus in the10th sign or is in opposition to her, it signifies that the native will havelittle love for his wives.

When Venus is joined to Mars or in evilaspect with him, it signifies the disgrace of sexual license. And when she isin a domicile of Jupiter and in aspect with him in the nativities of men orwomen, it signifies the suitability and accomplishment of marriage andconstancy in it. But when Venus is in a domicile of Mars, and in aspect withhim, it signifies condemnation and evil qualities in the marriage partner. Butwhen she is in her own domicile or exaltation, or in the domicile of the Moonor in her exaltation, it signifies marriage and connection of the native withwomen who live in his neighbourhood. And if you find Venus in a domicile ofJupiter, or contrariwise, Jupiter in a domicile of Venus, it signifies marriagewith women of noble birth. And if Venus is in a domicile of Saturn, itsignifies marriage with an aged woman. And if she is in a domicile of Mercury,it signifies connection with a low-born, common sort of wife with a slave-girl.If she is found in the domicile of the Moon, it indicates marriage with anunsuitable woman. But if she is in her own domicile or exaltation, or in anangle free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets] and free from retrogradationand combustion, it signifies a high-class marriage and good circumstances forthe native, especially if Jupiter aspects her. And if Venus is oriental, itsignifies that the wife will act boldly towards her husband but with much loveand joy. And if she is occidental or in her own fall, it signifies little lovebetween the native and his wife, especially if Jupiter does not aspect her; andif she is retrograde, itsignifies that the native will have delay and difficulty in getting married.When Venus is under the Sun beams, it signifies marriage with women who aresick, and especially in secret.

And when the profection of the year of theASC of the radix comes to the 7th sign, or the ASC of the revolution is thesign of the 7th house, it signifies marriage in that year. And if that sign isa mobile sign, it signifies marriage with many women; and if it is common, withtwo; if fixed, with one. Understand all this, and you will find the truth, ifGod is willing.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-31 23:58:09 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt.27. The Native's Travel and Trips, and the Things Signified by the Ninth House.

For the native's travel and trips, look at the 9th sign and its lord andthe planet that is in the 9th house. Also, [look at Mars and the Part of Traveland its lord, for if most of these are fortunes, or the one of them that hasthe greatest dignity there is fortunately placed, applying to the lord of theASC, or the lord of the ASC applying to it, it signifies great profit andadvantage from travel. And if most of them are impedited, or they are renderedunfortunate by the evil (planets), or the planet that has the greatest dignitythere is impedited or is an infortune, and it applies to the Lord of the ASC, itsignifies that he will have bad luck, toss, and damage from travel.

After that, see which one of them has the most testimonies and is in thestrongest place, if there is application and mutual configuration between itand the lord of the ASC, along with mutual harmony, it signifies that thenative will make many trips. And if there is no application, configuration, orharmony between them, it signifies that the native will remain in his ownplace, loving joy and quiet. And if Mars is in the ascending angle, itsignifies travel and many trips. And if the Moon does not aspect the lord ofits domicile it signifies that the native will be one who finds his livelihoodoutside his own native country.

Besides this, took at the lords of the triplicity of Mars, because theone that has the best condition and house [position] signifies that the nativewill have fortunate trips if it is itself fortunately placed, but unfortunate[trips] if it is unfortunately placed -indeed, that the native will never getthe sought for livelihood from his trips, and in particular, (if it is) thefirst lord [of the triplicity] rather than the rest. And if the lord of the 9thsign is impedited, or if evil [planets] are in it, or if they apply to the lordof the ASC, or if the lord of the ASC applies to them, it signifies loss, badluck, and disadvantage arising from [the native's] trips. But when the lord ofthe 9th house applies to Mars, or is in his domicile or terms, or aspects thoseterms, it signifies many and varied trips and dwelling in foreign regions.

Besides this, look at the [place of the] Moon on the third day of thenativity. If it is configured with Mars, or in his domicile, or in his terms,it signifies travel and many trips. But when the lord of the ASC is conjoinedor in opposition to the Place of the ASC, or in a sign of contrary nature tothe ascending sign, and the lord of the domicile of the Moon is conjoined tothe Moon, and if the lord of the ASC is in its own fall, it signifies that thenative's livelihood will be in foreign regions. But if the lord of the domicileof the Sun is contrary to the Moon, it signifies that the native will carry throughi.e. he will complete many trips. And if it is a fortune, he will gain benefitand advantage from his trips; but if it is an evil [planet], something bad.

And if the Moon is in the 3rd sign from the ASC, applying to Mercury,and she herself is impedited by Mars, misfortunes will happen to the native onhis trips. Moreover, if the Moon or the lord of her domicile is in the angle ofthe West, it signifies that the native will delight in trips. Similarly, if thelord of the ASC is in the 9th, or the lord of the 9th is in the ASC, itsignifies the native's desire for trips and that he will move about from regionto region. But when the Moon, on the third day of the nativity is applied to afortune, and that fortune is oriental in a good house, it signifies that thenative will profit from his trips. And if she is applied to an occidentalinfortune, which she does not receive, it signifies that the native will haveloss and misfortune from his trips.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-1 01:23:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 多乙光 于 2009-11-1 01:25 编辑

Chapt.28 Utility or Loss on a Trip.

Look at the 9th sign, if there is a fortune in it, or in square aspect,or in opposition to it, it signifies Joy and profit on trips, especially if thelord of the ASC is a fortune, or in aspect with the fortunes. But if an evil[planet] is in the 9th, or in square aspect, or in opposition to it, itsignifies evil and loss from trips. But if the lord of the 9th is in the ASC orthe MC, it signifies the native's love of and pleasure in trips. But if Venusis the lord of the 9th and it is located in the ASC or the MC, it signifies Joyand Carriage for the native while he is on a trip. And if Jupiter is lord ofthe 9th and placed in the ASC or the MC, it signifies the acquisition of aprincipate and (even) of an empire while on a trip. And if Mercury is the lordof the 9th [and posited] in the ASC or MC, it signifies the acquisition ofknowledge, and greatness, and business affairs of nobles while on a trip. Butif Saturn is the lord of the 9th and posited in the ASC or the MC, aspectingJupiter, it signifies that [the native] will make a beneficial acquisition, whileon s trip of aquatic and terrestrial things and animals. And if Mars is lord ofthe 9th and is found in theASC or the MC, aspecting Jupiter, he will gain something beneficial, while on a trip,from women and nobles and princes, to whom [the direction of] wars and armies are entrusted. But if the lord of thedomicile of the Sun does not aspect the Sun, and the lord of the domicile ofthe Moon does not aspect the Moon, and the lord of the ASC does not behold theASC, or if Mars is in the 3rd or 9th house, or the Part of Travel is with Mars,and the lord of the Part is of a nature contrary to Its own house, it signifiesmany trips, [accompanied] by hard work, loss, and fear. And if the Part ofTravel is in any of the angles, conJoined to the lord of the ASC or to theMoon, it signifies love affairs on trips.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-1 01:26:14 | 显示全部楼层
原随云 发表于 2009-10-31 20:04

any time ^^
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-1 01:32:32 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt.29. The Native's Law and Religion, and his Dreams.

In matters of faith and dream, look at the two houses, the 3rdand the 9th, because from them is known [the native's] law and dreams.Therefore, you should know their strengths, and which planets are in them, orwhich aspect them, and which are the lords of the domicile, exaltation,triplicity, and terms, and in which house of the circle they are located. Alsowhich one is the lord of the Part of Law, and in which house the Part [itself]is located, whether it is in a mobile sign or one of two bodies or a fixed[sign], or whether it is in an angle or a succedent or a cadent [house],whether its lord is oriental or occidental, direct or retrograde, under the Sunbeams or beyond them. You will also observe that Mercury has its own propersignification in matters of faith and dreams, more so than the others.Wherefore, see which of the
planetsit is configured with, or to which it applies, and which brings the mostdignity to it.

And so,
If Mercury is in domicileof Saturn, or in aspect with it, it signifies that the native will have deepknowledge, and that he will be persistent, and that he will keep his ownthoughts hidden, he will hates joy, laughter, and games, and will live in anhumble manner and endure restricted means and hard work, especially if thefortunes do not aspect it and if they are cadent.

But if it is in a domicile of Jupiter, or in aspect with it, it signifiesthat he will have fame, good fortune, and good faith.

And if it is in a domicile of Mars,
orin an evil aspect with it, it signifies that the native will
have bad faith, be pouring out blood,encountering injuries, and deriding his own law. But If it is in a good aspectwith it, he will be a beautiful builder of [the sort of] lies that were neverpreviously contrived by anyone, an inventor of every sort of wickedness and ofnew and outrageous crimes, a decorator of falsity, a finger-pointer, and aninformer.

And if it is in the domicile of the Sun, or in aspect with it, he will beserious, humble, trustworthy, and wise, skilled in books and Judgments,religious, and loving riches.

But If It Is In d domicile of Venus, or in aspect with it, he will begenerous, good-spirited, and very joyful. And if Mars aspects it, he will beunconcerned and a scoffer at his own law.

But if it is in the domicile of the Moon, or in aspect with it, it signifiesthat the native will
fearGod and delight in the good reputation that he will attain, [and that he willbe] famous and praiseworthy.

And if Mercury is in its own domicile, it signifies that the native willbe a master of knowledge and of good faith, wise In divine books, and in booksof other sorts, from which he will attain fame and a celebrated reputation,especially if Jupiter aspects it.

And if the 9th sign is common, and its lord is in a common sign, itsignifies that the native will be unstable in his faith, especially if Marsaspects the 9th. But if the 9th is a mobile sign, it signifies that the nativewill have his doubts about faith or law, and that he will change from one toanother, and that he will not be constant in any one thing. But if the 9th signis fixed, and its lord is placed in a fixed sign, it signifies his constancy infaith, counsel, and action, especially if Mars does not impedit it.

And if the [planet] that hat the principal dignities in the 9thhouse [is posited) either in the ASC [or] in the MC free from [any aspect of]the evil
[planets] (for thelord of the 9th house is fortunately placed in these houses), pronounce freelythat the native will display good sense in the best things, be a lover of wisdomand the arts, and perfect in his faith, especially if Jupiter is lord of the9th or aspects the lord of its sign.

And know that when the lord of the 9th is oriental in those houses thatwe have mentioned, the native will disclose his own law; but if it isoccidental, he will hide and conceal his own law. When Mercury is with the Moonin the 9th sign, in his own domicile or in the Moon's domicile, and the Part ofFaith is with them, it signifies that the native will be subtle in knowledgeand wisdom, and he will be an expositor of boots, dreams, and Judgments, or hewill be a prophet. And if Jupiter is with them or aspects then, it signifies thathe will be truthful, [well-]received by all men, good, benevolent, and belovedby men, and a searcher for insights into great and serious matters.

When the Head of the Dragon of the moon is in the 3rd house in nocturnalnativities, it signifies that the native will be well-known and firm in the lawand in his own faith. Especially if the Sun or Jupiter or Mercury aspect it, or if two of them aspect it, because thenhe will be generally better and more praised. And if the 9th houseis a domicile of Jupiter and the Moon is in it in nocturnal nativities, itsignifies that the native will be a skilled astronomer and an annunciator of divinationsand things that will happen in the future... Similarly, if Mercury is lord ofthe 9th, or there is in the 9th a star of the nature of Mercury.

Furthermore, when you find the Moon in the ASC, it signifies that thenative will be an unpleasant sort [of person] and evil-minded. Similarly, ifthe Fart of Fortune is in the ASC or the Angle of Earth In diurnal andnocturnal nativities, it signifies that the native will be an unpleasant sortand one doing evil to those close to him.

Also, when the Part of Faith is with Saturn, it signifies that the nativewill be one who is continually searching into things and putting them off. Andif it is with Jupiter, it signifies that the native will be of good faith andthat he will have a beautiful manner of speech. And if it in with Mars, he willbe of bad faith and evil habits. But if it is with the Sun, and yet not underthe Sun beams, the native will be wise, enjoying a name and good repute. And ifit is with Venus, it signifies that he will be benevolent and a lover of playand Joy. And if it is with Mercury,
itsignifies knowledge of arithmetic, books, and business. And if it is with themoon, it signifies that the native will be generous and neat.

And if the 9th house is a domicile of Jupiter, or the exaltation of theSun, the Moon, or Venus, and the lord of its own exaltation is the lord of thetriplicity of the luminary that has the dignity, and it is in a good place inthe circle, the native will get his livelihood from faith or from law. And hewill be of good faith, praised and beloved by men. And if any one of thefortunes is in the

3rd sign or the 9th, the native will be fortunate through faith, thelaw, or the various branches of knowledge. Similarly, if the lords of these twohouses are in good places in the circle, free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets],it signifies the same thing. But if Saturn is lord of the 9th sign, itsignifies that the native will be wise, especially if it is in aspect with thefortunes, and not retrograde, nor under the Sun beams. For this planet, when itis under the Sun beams, signifies deception and concealment, but whenretrograde, lies.

And look at the signs of the 3rd and the 9th house and their lords, andthe Part of Faith and its lord. And if they are satisfactorily placed, all ormost of them free from impediment and from falling from the angles, the nativewill be of good faith and religion. But if they are impedited, or if evil[planets] are in the 3rd or the 9th house, or they are in square or oppositionaspect to [either of these houses], it signifies an evil and corrupted faith.The Moon too, if it is lord of the 3rd, or the lord of the 3rd is in the 9th,or vice versa the lord of the 9th is in the 3rd, or she herself or Mercury isin then, and Jupiter or Venus are lords of the houses and posited in angles, itsignifies a kingdom and elevation [of the native] because of things related tofaith.

And if you want to know in which age the native will have the bestfaith, take [as principal significators] the lords of the triplicity of thePart of Faith, because whichever one of them is the best by condition andhouse, and fortunately placed in the 3rd (house) from the Sun, in the time ofthat one the native will have the best faith and [observation of] religion.

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