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楼主: 多乙光

abu ali al-khayyat -- The Judgments of Nativities

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-2 01:47:34 | 显示全部楼层
Chap. 30.        The Native's Dignity and Work, and the Things Signified by the Tenth house.

Look at the 10th sign and its lord, and the Part of Kingdom with its lord, and the Sun in diurnal nativities, or the Moon in nocturnal nativities. And you should know which of them has the most dignities, because if there is alictisal between the one that has the most dignities and the lord of the ASC, or a conjunction or configuration, the native will be a royal person, and he will grow rich from his kingdom, and he will attain the greatest honour.

But if there is no Alictisal between them, nor a conjunction, nor a configuration [of any sort], the native will be unknown to the king, [a person] of moderate worth, and little power. But if the planet among these that has the greatest dignity is in its own domicile and in good aspect with the lord of the ASC, the native will have a kingdom or great power. And if there is no aspect between them, the native will only have meagre power and be [distantly related] to kings.

*Part of Kingdom: ASC + Moon – Mars by day;by night, reverse.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-2 01:49:17 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 31 The Native's Place in the Kingdom.

In the matter of the kingdom, look at thelord of the ASC and the lord of the MC. If there is an application betweenthem, it signifies that the native will gain a name and advantage from kings.But if the lord of the ASC applies to the lord of the 10th house, the native willcertainly gain advantages from kings, but through his own inquiry and petition.But if the lord of the MC applies to the lord of the ASC, it is a sign thatkings and princes will summon him unasked and raise him up. And if thisapplication happens in angles, it will be (to) A dignity, by means of which hewill attain great power and a great name, and especially if it is in the ASC orin the MC. But if the lord of the ASC is in an angle and the lord of the MC iscadent, it signifies that the kingdom will be an important one and that thenative's name will be great, but his acts will be unimportant and unnoticed.But if the lord of the 10th is in an angle and the lord of the ASC is cadent, thenative will be outstanding in his actions, but [personally] inglorious andlow-born. And if both are cadent, it signifies the low quality of both thenative and his actions.

When the lord of the ASC is in the MC, it signifiesthat the native will be a member of the royal court and involved in work forthe king. And if there is a good aspect between them, it signifies friendshipbetween the king and the native; but if it is a bad aspect, enmity and trouble.But if there is no application between the lord of the ASC and the lord of theMC, look at the application between the lord of the ASC and the Sun, because ifthe lord of the ASC applies to the Sun and the Sun to the lord of the ASC, it signifiesthat the native will profit from the king and will be conjoined to kings andnobles, especially if the application is from good houses. And if theapplication is by square or opposition, it signifies that he will mingle withkings and will be involved in their business affairs and will acquire assetsfrom them, but he will be aggravated by the kings. And if the application is bytrine or sextile aspect, it promises the native the love of the king, and the acquisitionof money and honour. But if the lord of the ASC is conjunct the Sun, itsignifies that the native will be a familiar and faithful [supporter] of theking, and one who knows his secrets, and he will have honour through fire, andthe king will attach himself to him,
andhe will be gracious in his words when he is with him. If the lord of the ASC isone of the superior planets, and it is in the MC applied to its lord, itsignifies that he will be conjoined with nobles as well as with kings, and hewill be like one of them, and he will have business with all of them. And ifone of the inferior planets is lord of the ASC, and it is posited in the MC, orthe lord of the MC is applied to it, it signifies that he will hold some officeof the king or of some major domo of his. And if the lord of the ASC is appliedto one of the luminaries, or contrariwise, it signifies the conjunction of thenative with the kings. And if it is received, he will derive benefit from this;but if it is not received, little advantage will come back to the native fromthat source.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-4 03:46:11 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 32.
The native'sProsperity and Power.

To investigate the native's power and his kingdom, considerthe planet that has an application to the lord of the ASC, or contrariwise, towhich the lord of the ASC applies. If it is in its own exaltation, it signifiesthe conjunction of the native with kings and nobles. And if it is in its owndomicile, it signifies his conjunction with [persons of] lesser [degree] thanthese, but still high [born] and noble. And in the case of the term or triplicity,say [that they are still less] so, because they themselves are less [powerful]than domicile or exaltation. After this, look at the Part of Work and its lord.If it is in a house that harmonizes with the ASC, free from [any aspect with]the evil [planets], or the lord of the ASC and the lord of the Part in angles,it signifies that the native will have much work and little quiet. And if thelord of the Part applies to a planet that is on its own exaltation, itsignifies the elevation of the native's status and the greatness of his power,especially if the star is in an angle. And if it is placed in its own domicile,he will be somewhat less; and if in term or triplicity, still less than that;but if in face, he will be below that which I have said. And if the planet isincreased in course, it signifies much idleness and that the native will lovesolitary places, according to the nature of the sign in which it is.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-4 03:47:35 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 33.
TheNative’s Profession.

Begin with the value and rank of the native'swork and profession, which is ascertained from the nature, condition, quality,and strength of that planet which has the principal testimony in thesignifications of these things. Know, therefore, that the significator ofprofession is that planet which is in the ASC or the MC, oriental from the Sunand occidental from the Moon. Also, in diurnal nativities, the one to which theMoon (first) applies after the New Moon or Full noon preceding the nativity,and the Part of Fortune in nocturnal nativities, and the planet to which themoon applies in the hour of the nativity.

Moreover, the planets that signifyprofessions by their own nature are Mars, Venus, and Mercury. If you find oneof them in the ASC or the MC, oriental and having some dignity there, and ingood aspect with the Sun or the moon, it signifies that the profession will beprestigious, useful, and honourable according to the nature of the planet thatsignifies this. But if none of these them is in the ASC or the MC, and one ofthem is in the Angle of Earth or in the 7th, the profession will be somethingless than what I have said, with alternating periods of hard work and idleness.

But if none of those [are found] as I havesaid, make your testimony on the native's profession from the lord of the 10thhouse if the nativity is diurnal or from that planet to which the Moon appliesif the nativity is nocturnal, especially if it has dignity in the house of thePart of Fortune. For that one which has the strongest testimony and is in the strongesthouse will be the significator of the native's profession. If it good by natureand in a good house, and Mercury aspects it with a fortunate aspect, itsignifies that the native will have a good profession and riches, and he willprofit from his business activities and from his knowledge of writing andarithmetic, giving much, and receiving much, and endowed with good abilitiesand proper character.

And if Saturn aspects it with friendly rays,it signifies that the native will get his living from cultivation of the earthand from planting trees; and he will be the eldest of his own house and the onein command. And if Jupiter aspects it, the native will be a writer and anorator, honoured among kings and nobles. And if Mars aspects it with afortunate aspect, he will be a physician, or a prophet, or a necromancer,clever, and prudent in his own work. And if the Sun aspects it, or is with itso that it does [not] burn it up with its own rays, it signifies that he willbe a high magistrate, and a person of the highest station, and a secretary ofkings, of the highest worth among them, of a noble profession, and of muchlearning. And if the Moon aspects it, it signifies knowledge, learning, goodfortune, and progress for the native. And if Venus aspects it, it signifiesthat the native will be connected with the women of kings and nobles, and muchvalued by them, and that he will gain advantage from them. And if any one ofthe evil [planets] aspects it, and is in a strong house in [one of] itsdignities, it signifies hard work and difficulty in connection with theprofession. And know that in that year in which the profection of the ASC comesby rays to the sign of the MC, if there is in it any one of the planetssignifying the profession, the native will renew his profession according tothe nature of the substance of the planet which is there and according to itsconfiguration with the other stars.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-4 03:48:49 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 34.
TheNative's Audacity and Courage

Look at the Part of Audacity and its lord, inwhich places of the circle they are, and the planets, either fortunes or evil (planets)aspecting them. And if they are in angles, and especially if they are in a domicileof Mars or the Sun or Jupiter, with an aspect from one of them, or if the Moonis in an angle with the Sun or Mars, or if the Sun and the Moon along with Marsaspect the Part and its lord by trine radiation, it signifies that the nativewill be a man of action. And if the Part of Fortune is with Mars and Jupiter,it signifies that the native will be audacious and the leader of an army. Andif one of the luminaries is in the ASC and the other is in the MC, it signifiesthat the native will be audacious, and a governor, and leader of an army, andbold to the shedding of blood.

And if the ASC is a masculine sign, and theluminaries and the lord of the ASC are in masculine signs, while Mars isdwelling in an angle, it signifies that the native will be audacious and thathis commands will be carried out and he will love the shedding of blood,especially if the Part of Audacity is with Mars or Mars is lord of the Part.And when the lord of the Part of Audacity is with Mars in the 9th house, itsignifies that the native will be stupid and of little piety. And a greatergood, by which the native is made fortunate in the matter of action is whenJupiter aspects Mars with a good aspect. And if, with this aspect between them,there is reception, the native will be a model of action, When the Part ofAudacity is with Saturn or in evil aspect with it, it signifies that there willbe hypocrisy in the native's action, and he will be weak in it.

And when Mars is in a water sign, itsignifies weakness in action. But there will be great audacity when Mars is inany one of the angles, and especially in Aries or in its triplicity. And whenit is in the first [angle], it signifies that the native will shun men, and hewall desire slaughter and the outpouring of human blood. The same thing will besignified when Mars is in the domicile of the Moon. And when Mars is withMercury in an angle under the Sun beam, it signifies that the native will be apublic bandit and an infester of highways, and he will be known throughout theland because of this. Moreover, when Mars is with the Moon in an angle underthe Sun beams, it signifies that the native will be a secret thief, and aperforator, and a thief in the night. And when Mars is not in an angle, itsignifies that the native will not be famous or honoured for his action. Andwhen the Part of Military Service is not in a domicile of Mars, the native willnot be honoured in the military for his courage. But always, when the star ofMars is in the rising sign, it signifies a vicious and unscrupulous man, whowill engage in shameful and lustful acts and penetrate offense of every kind.And answer this way [too] in interrogations.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-4 22:01:31 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt.35. Friends.

Decide the condition of friends from the 11th house and its lord, andfrom the planets that you find in it, and from Venus, and from the Part ofFriends. If most of these are fortunes, it signifies that the native wall havemany friends and companions, and especially if there is an application betweenthe lord of the 11th and the lord of the ASC. And if you find fortunes in the11th sign, or in square or opposite aspect to it, it signifies that the nativewill have many friends and associates, and that they will be fortunate. And ifyou find evil [planets] in it, or in square or opposite aspect to it, it signifiesfew friends and associates and that their assets will be scanty.

And if the planet that has the most dignities in the house of friends isSaturn, it signifies that most of his friends will be old men, slaves, andcaptives. But if it is Jupiter, many of them will be nobles and rich people ofgreat worth and repute. And if it is Mars, lost of them will be [military]leaders and princes and warlike men. But if it is the Sun, most of them will be[military] leaders and princes, kings, and nobles. But if (it is) Venus, theywill be women and effeminate men. But if it is Mercury, they will mostly bewriters and businessmen and wise men and artisans. But if it is the Moon, mostof his friends will be nobles, but many [others] will be commoners. And soevery star signifies according to its own nature( and according to its strengthand fortunate or unfortunate [condition], the native will have advantage ordisadvantage.

Besides all this, look at the lord of the ASC and the lord of the 11th,and the application that is between them and their mutual reception, and howsuch one of them makes the other fortunate or unfortunate, and their places inthe circle. For if they in mobile signs, it signifies that the native's friendswill seldom be constant in their attitude towards his. But if [they are] incommon signs, it indicates that sometimes there will be friendship and at othertimes it will break up. But if they are both in fixed signs, it signifies firmand lasting friendship of the friends towards the native.

But where the lord of the ASC impedites the lord of the 11th, the friendswill suffer some impediment from the native. But if the lord of the 11th impeditesthe lord of the ASC, the native will receive some harm from his friends. And ifeach of them makes the other; fortunate, the friends and the native will havemutual good and benefit among themselves. But if the lord of the 11th does notaspect his house and Venus does not aspect the lord of her domicile, and thelord of the part of the Friends [does] not [aspect] the part, it signifies thatthe native will be odious to men, nor will he delight in their company, being alover of solitude. But when the house of Friends is made fortunate and isessentially good, it signifies good circumstances and good fortune for thefriends. [But] if it is made unfortunate, conversely it threatens them with badluck and poverty.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 00:42:54 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 36. Enemies, and the Things Signified by theTwelfth House.

For things concerningenemies, look at the 12th sign and its lord, and at the planet located in the12th house, and at the Part of Enemies'" and its lord, and at Saturn. Forif the strongest of these is an evil [planet] or impedited, and it aspects thelord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have many enemies and harmfrom them.

But if the one thathas the most dignities is a fortune or is made fortunate, and if It aspects thelord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have few enemies and that hewill have a good name among men. Similarly, if the lord of the 12th does notaspect the lord of the ASC, it signifies that the native will have few enemies.When the lord of the 12th and the lord of the ASC are in mutual good aspectwith each other, it signifies little or no harm from enemies. Similarly, whenone of the two fortunes is in the house of enemies and has some dignity there,it signifies that his adversaries will be good men who will not harm him. Butif there is an infortune there, it signifies harm to the enemies [themselves].And if the lord of the 12th is in an angle or in a succedent and it has anydignity there, it signifies that the enemies will be noble and strong. But ifit is cadent and peregrine, or under the Sun beams, or in its own fall, itsignifies want and bad circumstances for the [native's] enemies. For when anyone of the evil [planets] is located in the house of enemies, or when the lordof the house of enemies is made unfortunate by any one of the evil [planets],and from evil houses, it signifies that the native will have good luck againsthis enemies, and it shows that they will haveadversity. But if any one of the fortunes is there,or the lord of the 12th applies to any of them, it signifies strength, and good luck, and victory for the enemiesagainst the native. And if the lord of the 12th is in opposition to the Sun orthe Moon, or is [posited] in the ASC, it signifies many enemies and personsattacking the native. But if it is an evil [planet], there will be enmity incommonplace things. But if [it is] a fortune, there will be enmity over greatand lofty things.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 00:44:28 | 显示全部楼层

37. The Quality of Death and its Occasions.

For the causes andoccasions of death, look at the ASC and its lord, and the Part of Death and itslord, and the 4th sign with its lord, and the good or evil planets that are inthis house, and those that aspect it, and the lord of the triplicity of theAngle of Earth, and the lord of the 7th house, and the 8th sign from the sunand the moon and their lords, because if one or more of these has more powerfuldignities, as in [one of] the aforesaid houses, safe from any impediments bythe evil [planets], from retrogradation, and from combustion, and the 8th houseis safe -- that is, none of the infortunes is in it or in opposition to it, itsignifies the liberation of the native [from the possibility of a bad death]and the goodness of his death.

And if the Almutenover these places is impedited and retrograde or combust or in its own fall, itsignifies a bad and foreign death, and every star has its own specialsignification in this matter. For if Saturn is most dignified in these Places,or its rays or its disposition is found there, and it is not impedited, atsignifies death with pains and long-lasting tortures from cold and wetness. Andif it is impedited, it signifies death in the snow or through submersion inwater.

But if Jupiter ismore dignified than the rest [of the planets], and it is safe from impediments,the native's death will be from pains in the lungs or from spitting up blood orfrom pain in the stomach or from a liver ailment or from drinking [too much]wine. But if it is impedited, the native's death will occur through the agencyof a king, or a king's order, or through [some action of the] people.

But if Mars is themost dignified of these and not impedited, his death will be sudden from somehot sickness and from blood or from some sort of acute and intensive ailment.But if it is impedited, his death will be through the agency of fire or iron,either in an altercation or a murder.

And if the Sun ismore dignified, or its rays or its disposition is the strongest, and it is not impedited,death will come to the native from someburning ailment among slaves, relations, or his own family, among his ownpeople. But if it is impedited, death will come to him in some way through hisparents, or kings, or relations, or from an ailment of the stomach or themouth. And he will die amidst an assembly or crowd of people, or among a crowdof bathers, or the king will order his death.

But if Venus is themost dignified by its rays or by itsdisposition, and it is not impedited, death will cometo him from some belly ailment or from haemorrhoids.But if it is impedited, it signifies deathfrom sexual license or poisoned medicines.

And if Mercury is themost dignified by its rays or its disposition, and it is not impedited, hisdeath will be from madness or red cholera, or from various pains in the intestines, orfrom jaundice. But if it is impedited, the cause of death will be from hishandling of writing, from some speech or counsel thathe is going to give.

And when the Moon isthe most dignified and not impedited, death will come to him from various[causes] arising from wet food, from drink and from sexual license. And if sheis impedited, the native's death will be according to the nature of the planet impeditingthe Moon.

Moreover, when theplanets announcing death are in their own domiciles or their own exaltationsand free from impediments, his death will be on his own grounds and in his ownhouse -- in better and nicer circumstances. But if they are impedited andoutside of their own domiciles and exaltations, his death will occur while heis travelling in some foreign region. But if they are cadent, his death will bedue to a fall from a high place. If [they are] in their falls, his death willoccur in pits or waters or in ruined places. And if they are retrograde, hisdeath will be from suffocation or being crushed in a mob.

For when the Moon innocturnal nativities or the sun in diurnal nativities is conjoined to the evil[planets], or in evil aspect with them, it signifies a bad death for the nativeand difficulty in dying. And if the Moon is conjunct the Sun, or in square oropposition aspect [to it], his death will be by fire.And if Mars is in the 4th sign impediting the lord of the 8th, his death willbe by iron. But if Saturn is there impediting the lord of the 8th or in the 4thsign from the Sun or from the Moon, death will come to him from torture or prison. And if Mars is with the Head of theDragon of the Moon in the 4th sign, his deathwill be on a cross, or he will be hung. But ifMercury is with the Tall in the 4th sign, death will come to him from plots, or through some scheme, or throughpoison or necromancy. And if the Moon is with the Tall there, his death will befrom poison or from medicines taken as a purge.

If the first lord ofthe triplicity of the Angle of Earth, or the setting degree, or its lord, andthe Sun in diurnal nativities, the Moon in nocturnal nativities, is impedited, the nativewill end his life with a bad death or one in aforeign place. But if the significators ofdeath are impedited above the earth, his death will be manifest and talkedabout or famous. But if they are impedited under the earth, his death will behidden, and if the significators of death are in earth signs, his death will bein a cavern or underneath some ruin. And if they are in air signs, the native'swill be on the back of an animal, or by the hands of man in the high places ofearth, on a cross, or something else [elevated]. But if they are in fire signs,death will come to him through fire or through the pervasive heat of the air.And if the significators are in water signs, his death will be from wet things:from snow, water and such like.

But if there is aninfortune in the 8th and the 8th house is made fortunate,or [the fortune] is applying to the lord of the 8th, [or] similarlywhen any [planet] is made fortunate in the Angle of Earth or is with its lord,it signifies a good death. And if there is an infortune in the 8th, or with thelord of the 8th, his death will be stinking and disgraceful. Similarly, when thereis an infortune in the 4th, or applying to the lord of the 4th sign, itthreatens in outlying regions. But if this infortune is Mars, he will die throughiron or through fire. But if it is Saturn, he will die on account of poison or(bad) food or some drug.

发表于 2009-11-6 16:03:15 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 23:12:03 | 显示全部楼层
回复 49# 纯儿

我不太确定你的意思 ?

建议你多阅读几次,或许你会有不同的发现 ?


 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-6 23:16:02 | 显示全部楼层

Chap. 38. The General Way or Method of Judgment of theTwelve
Houses of Heaven.

The general way inwhich you ought to look for the judgments of the twelve houses is just as I shall now showyou, if God is willing.

Look first at theindividual houses and observe carefully which of the fortunes or the evil[planets] is in them, or aspects them by square or opposition aspect, and howthe lord of that house is situated whose significations you seek, and in whichhouse of the circle it is located, and the configuration of it with the[other] planets, and the circumstances of the Part that refers to that house,and its house. Also, look at the condition and quality of its lord, and its place in the circle, and the configuration of the[other] planets with it. Look also at thecondition of the significators -- if they areoriental or occidental, direct or retrograde, and with whom they are configured, fortunes or infortunes, and ifthey are in angles, succedents, or cadents.

For if most of thesignificators of any particular house, or the strongest one of them, are madefortunate, and free from [any aspectof] the evil [planets], and free from impediment, itsignifies good fortune in the nature of the thing signified by that house, andespecially if a fortune by its configuration in good houses of the circle hasalso contributed to strengthening and augmenting [the house] by means of itstestimony. But if you find the significators of anything configured with theevil [planets], or retrograde, or combust, or in their own falls, viz. fallingfrom their own exaltations and from the angles, or in their detriments, itsignifies misfortune in the thing signified, and especially if cadent andposited in inauspicious houses, as we have said, they are also conjoined to theinfortunes, or in square or opposition to them.

And if there is anyone of these things concerning which it may be necessary to know [how] much or[how] little, [or whether there will be] an increase or a decrease, say aboutthis in accordance with the [situation] in which you have found thesignificators in their own houses and according to what their position is insigns or in houses signifying much or little.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 07:15:16 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt 39. Saturn in Its OnDomicile and In Those of the Other Planets in Diurnal and Nocturnal Nativities.

When Saturn is in his own domicile in diurnal nativities,
it signifies friendship with noble andmagnates, and accumulation of property, especially if it is in the ASC or withthe Part of Fortune. And if the nativity is nocturnal, [Saturn] in its ownhouse, signifies hard work and a long stretch of it and much sickness.

And if it is in a domicile of Jupiter in diurnal nativities, itsignifies beauty, and an abundance of riches, and truth. But if the nativity isnocturnal, he will be an arranger of things for kings and magnates, and hisfather may be killed.

And when it is in a domicile of Mars, he will have a heart like astone, little pity, and a lot of anger in situations where he ought not to[allow himself to] get angry. And he will not gain advancement because of goodthings [that he has done], but he will prosper more in evil.

The same Saturn in diurnal nativities located in the domicile of theSun declares good fortune for the native and good circumstances for his fatherand augmentation of [the native's] assets.
Andif it is a nocturnal birth, it signifies the affliction of illness for thenative and his father.

But if you discover it in a domicile of Venus, it denotes his passionfor poor women, and those hampered by infirmity, and for common, worthless[women].

And when this same [planet] is in a domicile of Mercury,
it signifies that the native willbe thrifty and that he will preserve and investigate the different branches oflearning and the secrets in hidden books, on which account he will suffer harm.And he will have an impediment and slowness of the tongue. He will have a verybad mental attitude, and men will hate him and say that he has done things thathe hasn't done.

If you find this same (planet] in the domicile of the Moon, do notdoubt that it signifies infirmity for the native and many maladies for hismother; also, it will destroy his mother's estate during her lifetime.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 05:25:43 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 40. Jupiter in Its OwnDomicile and in Those of the Other Planets.

When you find Jupiter in a domicile of Saturn, it denotes Seriousnessand narrowness of heart and much wealth, but commonly he well represent himselfas poor, and he will be weak-hearted, slow-acting, thinking evil every day, andpersevering in it. And he will act in secret. And evil will come to him fromvarious directions.

But if it is in its own domicile in a diurnal nativity, he will befortunate and rich, beloved also and powerful among kings and princes. But ifthe birth is nocturnal, he will be the contrary of what we have said. For hewill be obliged to acquire his living daily, and he will say those things thatare not and never were, and he will have connection with religious men, or hewill be a leader in law or religion.

When this same [planet] is located in a domicile of Mars, he will bepraised for all his actions, will have continuous good fortune, and havefamiliarity with kings, princes, and [military] leaders. And if Jupiter is inan angle or a succedent of an angle in a masculine sign, he will be a princeand the leader of an army, and [a man] of great worth and a very famous name.

But if this same [planet] is in the domicile of the Sun, he will behandsome, with good talents, associated with kings, and praised among them andalso before the whole population. And if, besides what I have said, it is in anangle or a succedent, free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets] and fromimpediments, he will have great good fortune and great wealth, and he will be aking or like a king, but especially in a diurnal nativity.

If you see this same [planet] in a domicile of Venus in the nativitiesof males, it signifies connection with nobles, and joy, and advantage frommarriage"' with noble women. But if the nativity is that of a woman, shewill acquire benefit from captivity and advancement because of faith andreligion.

When the sate [planet] is in a domicile of Mercury, the native will bea businessman, rich, giving much, and receiving much from his businessoperations, and praised, and he will have dominion over some men in secret, andhe will get money from this, and he will be praised with the highest praises.

And if this same [planet] appears in the domicile of the Moon indiurnal nativities, and especially [if it is] in an angle or a succedent, hewill be fortunate and [possessed] of much wealth and great authority, connectedwith kings and nobles. But if the nativity is nocturnal, he will be a leadingfigure in law, [a person] of good talent in his arts, and famous because ofthem.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-11 05:26:17 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 41. Mars in Its OwnDomicile and in Those of the Other Planets.

When Mars is in a domicile of .Saturn, the native will be bold, a devil,carrying to completion everything he starts, but he will squander the resourcesof his own parents, and he will see the death of his own elder brothers.

With this same [planet] in a domicile of Jupiter, the native will benoble, honored, and handsome, a friend of nobles and magnates. And if Jupiterin turn is in a domicile of Mars in a good configuration, the native will belike a leader of armies, conquering his adversaries.

But if [Mars] is in its own domicile, he will be famous, honored, andrich, and very talented and learned, skilled in geometry; and he will have goodsuccess in everything he does, especially if the nativity is nocturnal. But ifit happens to be diurnal, and [Mars] is in Aries, with no aspect from thefortunes, he will be ill-natured, inflicting injuries on everyone, and he willhave hidden pains and a fall from a high place. And if it is in Scorpio,everything we have just said is reduced in magnitude.

If [Mars] is in the domicile of the Sun, it signifies the death of thenative from some infirmity that he will have in his belly, and particularly inthe stomach, [or] in the eyes; and he will work at those things that areimportant 'or working with fire.'" And his death will be sudden, or hewill be captured, or he will be murdered, or he or his father will die whiletraveling.

When this same [planet] is in a domicile of Venus, the native will besexually promiscuous, a fornicator, performing sinful acts with the wives ofhis own kindred, or with his own kinswomen, or he will marry a woman with whomhe has preciously committed adultery, and he will suffer harm from women. Butif it is in Libra, he will suffer harm from fire and iron in hidden places ofhis body. But if it is in Taurus, it signifies every kind of lewdness combinedwith malice.

If you find this same [planet] in a domicile of Mercury, it signifiesthat the native will have [superior] understanding and very great talent, andhe will be clever and bold, and be will experience poverty. And greater profitwill come to him from theft and robbery, or [else] he will be wise, a teacherof languages, or the pupil of a writer, who writes false documents, and he willexcel his comrades in knowledge and talent.

But with this same (planet) in the domicile of the Moon, he will belight in motion, agile, a careful investigator of the branches of knowledge andof profound statemerts, and he will be bold in carrying out bad works. Aid hewill suffer some hurt or some impediment in his belly or in hidden parts of hisbody. And his mother will have a long illness, and he, death will be sudden,add the native will squander her estate.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-13 06:36:12 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 42.
The Sun in lts Own Domicile aid inthe Domiciles of the Other Planets.

When the Sun, especially in a diurnal nativity, is in a domicile ofSaturn, he will be closemouthed, laughing, a deceiver, successful in all hisundertakings, and, if it is a nocturnal [nativity], he will get angry quickly, hewill be inconstant in his own things, despising all things, and [a man] ofincessant change.

But if [the Sun] is in a domicile of Jupiter, he will be skilled in thecause of his own law, good, not sluggish, and greater than all his own people.But if the nativity is nocturnal, it signifies good rearing and connection withnobles; besides which, he will be a fornicator, engaging in iniquity with thewife of his own father or the wife of some other one of his close relatives.

The same [planet] being in a domicile of Mars, signifies infirmitiesfor the father and the native, but in the nature of the relationships, and itsignifies a pain in the liver, but his father will be overcome by the horstkind of death. If it is in Scorpio in diurnal nativities of males, it portendsgood fortune and elevation for them throughout their whole lives. But if it isin nocturnal nativities, it takes away somewhat from this good fortune.

When the same [planet is] in its own domicile in diurnal nativities inan angle or in the succedent of an angle, he will be beloved, ruling, rich,great, and strong, and riches will come to him from highly-placed men, and fromleasing lands, and from managing country estates. But in nocturnal nativities,it signifies that his father will have little talent, and he will be an orphan,and he will be captured while traveling, and it may signify that the nativewill wish to be separated from his parents.

If this same [planet] is in a domicile of Venus, [as] a diviner he willexplain dreams, and things concealed will be revealed to him. [He will be]truthful in good, and a [man] of many trips, in which he will greatly delight,but he will live in a shameful and sexually promiscuous manner.

When this same [planet] is in a domicile of Mercury, he will be [aperson] of many rumors and of good works, a teacher of the various branches ofknowledge, perhaps an astronomer, well-known to all, especially if it is adiurnal nativity. But if it is nocturnal, he will be poor, doing bad things (infact to will be foul-mouthed in youth), but when he arrives at middle age hewill acquire unacknowledged or secret riches. And he will have pains in thestomach or in some hidden part of the body, and he will associate with men whoare doing the work of demons.

If it is found in the Moon's domicile along with the Tail of the Dragon,Saturn, or Mars, it threatens impediments and dangers to the native's eyes, andit denotes many trips and various dangers in water.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-13 06:36:37 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 43. Venus in Its ownDouche and in Those of the Other Planets.

When Venus is in a domicile of Saturn, the native will have a wife whohas been phlebotomized, or he will consort with whores, and he will becriticized for this, and he will be a corrupter at married women, and he willprofit from this in his own affairs. But in nocturnal nativities, he will be [aperson] of much fornication, and condemned lewdness, and be will have manydisputes because of this. And when he enters old age, he will be enriched bythe death of his wives.

If this same [planet] is in a domicile of Jupiter, it signifies anincrease in the native's dignity, and the acquisition of beautiful clothing,and he will profit in some way from women and through some type of workconnected with women, through comrades and relations, and through the dives ofnobles, or through some work that he does for them. And his own family will actagainst him with hatred. But if it is a diurnal Nativity, that which I [Just]said will occur, but diminished in some way.

When this same (planet) is in a domicile of Mars, the native will suffermisfortune and struggle because of women, and he will have to do withslave-girls and bad women....he will get married, and he will fall intoarguments and disputes and loss of some kind, and he may even murder his wivesbecause of some suspicions.

But if it is in the domicile of the Sun, the native will be unfortunatebecause of women, and he will be a lover of girls [so young as to be) almostinfants, and he will engage abundantly in sex, and have such desire for it.

The same (planet) found in its own domicile signifies much joy,friendship with women, gladness and delight with other women of hisacquaintance; and he will (get to) see what he wants in all his efforts.

And if it is in a domicile of Mercury, he will be connected with thewomen of men who are religious and reputable, and he will be the master ofwomen s work and of effeminate men, and he will delight in lewdness, and hewill make pictures and sculptures and women's ornaments and such like.

And if it is found in the domicile of the Moon, it signifies disgracefullewdness and fickle passions. And in general, when Venus is in mobile signs, itsignifies little stability in any one thing.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 07:32:42 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 44. Mercury is Its OwnDomicile and In Those of the Other Planets.

Whet Mercury is in a domicile of Saturn, it indicates seriousness oftongue and a diversity of words and bad suspicions. And he will mingle withreligious and wise men, and he will be known for observation of his own law.

If this same (planet) is in a domicile of Jupiter, it portents connectionand friendship with kings and administration of their affairs and the causes ofparties and defenses. And he will be wise in judgments and in judging.

And when it is in a domicile of Mars, he will make false documents ofdeception and lying and cunning, from which he will experience misfortune.

When the same (planet) is found in the domicile of the Sun, it signifiesan increase in knowledge and memory and investigation of the profound branchesof knowledge.

If you find this same (planet) in a domicile of Venus, it indicatesmany friends, and the native will love insolence and impudence and jokes, andhe will fear Sod, and he will give much and receive much, and he will do allthe things [that require] knowledge, and he will win over to himself nobles andoutstanding men.

But if it is in its own domicile, it signifies all the sciences of thetrivium and quadrivium,131 and also prophecy, and especially if it is in Virgo.

But when it is located in the domicile of the Moon, it shows many tripsand honorable inclinations and a good reputation. And he will be a decent man.

131. The so-called 'seven liberal arts,' consisting of grammar,rhetoric, and logic; and arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 07:33:55 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 45. The Moon in Its OwnDomicile and in Those of the Other Planets.

The Moon in a domicile of Saturn indicates sicknesses from [an excessof] wind.
Bad things will besaid about him. But if it is diminished in light, it signifies an infirmity[marked] by a cough and cold, and pains in the kidneys, especially if it is anocturnal nativity. But if it is diurnal, anything of these maladies (thatdevelops) will be mitigated.

If this same [planet] is in a domicile of Jupiter, he will be like aking among his close relations, with much good fame, but he will perform lewdacts with women with whom It is not lawful.

And if it is in a domicile of Mars,
hewill be (a person) of much anger, bitterness, and contention, and he willmingle with bad men, with robbers and warriors.

This same (planet) in the domicile of the Sun signifies much joy andgladness, friendships with kings, and much fame. The native will experienceinfirmity in the head and the stomach, especially if (the Moon) is in the beginningor the end of the sign.

But if it is in a domicile of Venus, he will be a lover of women,trying to win them over, and he will have much joy with them and a beautifullife.

This same [planet] located in a domicile of Mercury signifies love for younggirls and little girls.

But when it is in its own domicile, the native will have much wealth.He will be [a man] of great authority, connected with kings. But if it isconjoined with or configured with evil [planets], it shows that the native willhave various sicknesses and a number of spells of them. But if it is conjoinedto the fortunes or is applying to them, it signifies health of body andmoderation.

[Latin Editor's Note]

We found the chapters that follow in another exemplar, not in that veryold one of ours. We have added them as an appendix because they have alreadybeen ascribed to this author previously. We leave it to the judgment of theReader whether in fact the writers of the exemplar made the ascriptionunjustly.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-15 07:34:25 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 46. The Lord of the Hour.

Hermes said, the lord of the hour in all nativities has all thesignifications common to the lord of the ASC. Wherefore, diligently seek outthe lord of the hour of birth. For if it is direct, safe from impediments andfrom the inauspicious influx of the evil [Planets], in an angle or thesuccedent of an angle, connected with the lucky stars either by ray or by body,especially if its nature is benefic, it denotes that the native will have along, rich life, with many favors of fortune and nature, and Increased by gifts,and the other good things that the lord of the ASC is accustomed to bestow whenit is made fortunate. For, as Hermes testifies, the judgment is the same fromeither one of them.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 07:38:16 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 47. The Significations ofthe Planets in the Individual Houses of the Natal Chart.

Planetsin the Ascendant.

Saturn in the 1st house denotes difficulty in all (the native's) workand, death from ruin of the land132 or from debt.

Jupiter (in the 1st signifies) honor, reverence, modesty, prudence, anda good life.

Mars (signifies) anger, war, and disputes.

The Sun, dominion, elevation, power, greatness of works andpossessions, quick and solid learning.

Venus, joy, pleasure in eating and drinking, in ornaments, and clothes,love for women, gentle behaviour, beauty of body.

Mercury, wisdom, knowledge of writing and numbers.

The Moon, dominion, trips, removals to other locations, inconstancy, kindnesstowards the mother and great and noble ladies.

Planetsin the Second House.

Saturn in the 2nd sign signifies the deterioration of [the native's]private property and of [his] livelihood and the loss of wealth through theinterference of friends.

Jupiter [indicates] abundance of wealth and good intellectual capacity.

Mars, want, calamity, disturbances [caused] by slaves, and wounds.

The Sun, riches throughout his whole life, splendid status, andbeautiful eyes.

Venus, abundant means and wealth from women.

Mercury, increase in riches and honor among kings.

The Moon, loss and damage of [the native's] private property andfrequent changes of status.

132The phrase rune terra 'ruin of the land' may refer to sate financialdisaster affecting the native's real estate, as his fare's being ruined by aflood, or, if taken literally, it could be translated 'fallingin of earth , assometimes happens to ditch-diggers when they are killed by the earthen walls oftheir ditch filling in upon them.

Planetsin the Third House have These Significations.

Saturn, hatred between brothers and sisters.

Jupiter, happiness of brothers and sister and of relatives, along withJoy.

Mars,133 hatred and contention of the brothers and sisters.

The Sun, some official duty from the king, trips.

Venus, inconstancy and bad luck from bad activities, but many friends,and Joy from them; the brothers and sisters will be charming.

Mercury, inclination and readiness to learn all things; the friends,brothers, and sisters will be strong.

The Moon, official duties and joys from rich men, from kings, journeys,nobles, and foreigners.

Planetsin the Fourth [House] Denote These Things.

Saturn, dissipation and loss of the inheritance, death of the parents.

Jupiter, utility from land, inheritances, buried treasures, andsecurity from terrors.

Mars, outpouring of blood, homicide, a sad end.

The Sun, buried treasures, revelation of secret and hidden things andarts, praise, dignity.

Venus, a praiseworthy ion, but one who in the beginning will havesadness because of his mother.

Mercury, a good memory, and skill in crafts.

The Moon, sorrow, but with a good end.

Planetsin the Fifth [House] Portend These Things.

Saturn, dispersion and death of the children.

Jupiter, many good and upright children, advantage and praise fromthem, and riches from things hoped for.

Mars, many illegitimate children, and little joy -roe them.

The Sun, children of rank, and praise and fame in governing.

133. The printed text has Mercury' here in error (corrected in theErrata).

Venus, want and sorrow from one son at first, then joy from thechildren.

Mercury, much business from letters, good luck from one son.

The Moon, many children.

Planetsin the Sixth [House] Signify These Things.

Saturn, illnesses, and a disobedient family.

Jupiter, few illnesses, advantage from cattle and good luck from thefamily.

Mars, many hot and dry Illnesses, a bad family.

The Sun, illnesses, disturbance [caused] by the slaves and low-bornpersons.

Venus, a covetous wife, illnesses from women, plundering by male andfemale slaves.

Mercury, deception and plundering by women on account of passion andintemperance.

The Moon, profit from animals.

Planetsin the Seventh [House] Promise These Things.

Saturn, sadness in marriage, separation from the wife, a bad end.

Jupiter, joy from wives, and victory over enemies.

Mars, want, calamity, hard work, war, loss, sorrow, and disturbance inall things, and an inclination to passions.

The Sun, opposition from nobles, the rich, and the powerful.

Venus, joy from women, and success in things hoped for.

Mercury, craving and great temptations because of women, and quarrelswith them.

The Moon, good things from women.

Planetsin the Eighth [house] Denote These Things.

Saturn, inheritances from the death of relatives, and lengthy mourning.

Jupiter, loss of assets, but a good and praiseworthy end.

Mars, generally a bad death, or wounds in the hands and feet, disgrace,contempt, loss of assets, and great want.

The Sun, plundering of goods by powerful persons, a powerful and baddestruction [of assets] from business with kings

Venus, opposition to the mother, a long life, and a good death.

Mercury, enmities with neighbours, and mourning because of deaths, butincrease in property, and great skill in crafts.

The Moon, the native, deposed from his official position and honor bykings or princes, will become a fugitive, and will experience many illnesses,want, and sadness.

Planetsin the Ninth House of Heaven Indicate These Things.

Saturn, oppressive and terrible dreams, error in faith, illnesses,hindrances and losses in long journeys.

Jupiter, joy and good fortune in long journeys, good faith, truedreams, Ind (truthful) interpretation of them.

Mars, love of horses, wars, and wine, infidelity (in religion), andmany worthless dreams, useless and harmful journeys.

The Sun, good personal philosophy, good faith, fear of God, and usefultravel.

Venus, pleasure and good fortune through travel, religion, fear of God,true dreams, and (truthful) interpretation of them.

Mercury, learning, modesty, knowledge, and experience with many hiddenthings.

The Moon brings desire for travel to distant places, many bad thoughts.

Planetsin the Midheaven Indicate These Things.

Saturn in a nocturnal geniture, great and manifest damages from kingsand powerful men or a long captivity. But in a diurnal [nativity], riches andthe exercise of great crafts, and a more fortunate status in old age than inyouth.

Jupiter, riches, praise, and dignity.

Mars, sadness, and captivity by powerful men, poverty, wars,adversities.

The Sun, great fame, authority, usefulness among kings.

Venus, joy from kings and princes and noble women, offices, dignities,and the latter part of life moderately better than the earlier.

Mercury, great knowledge of writing, using numbers, and other arts, andexcellent crafts.

The Moon, a great Iove for beautiful things, riches, offices, honorsamong kings and princes.

Planetsin the Eleventh Sign Portend These Things.

Saturn, anxiety and pain from friends, hindrance of things wished for.

Jupiter, riches, praise, dignity through the agency of friends,overcoming enemies, advantage from things hoped for, good fidelity and faith.In a nocturnal birth, good fortune, fortitude, praise.

[Mars, little advancement, enmity of friends, loss of wealth, removalof faith.]134

134. The printed text does not have any significations in this house. Ihave supplied the omission from Leopold, who summarizes Abu 'Ali.

The Sun, joy and assistance from rich friends and iron slaves, goodfortune for the parents, an honest and famous name in outlying regions, goodfortune in undertakings, favor and benevolence from men, and the latter time oflife will be more fortunate in honors than the earlier.

Venus, good fortune tram friends and close companions, good fidelityand faith, much wealth in the end of life.

Mercury, many friends [and] close companions, joy among wise men,generosity.

The Moon, joy from friends, and the fulfilment of every hope andexpectation.

Planetsin the Twelfth [House] Signify These Things.

Saturn, anxiety, captivity, hindrances from kings, terror in allthings.

Jupiter, slavery, poverty, defection and sorrow from slaves.

Mars, illnesses, and damages from enemies, slaves, and base men,hindrances and misfortune in

everything undertaken.

The Sun, enmities of kings, loss of honors, Illnesses, want, andcalamity from slaves, enemies, and low-born persons.

Venus, annoyances from had women, and a bad marriage

Mercury, the native is wise, a philosopher, and very Ingenious. But lfit is impedited, [he is] frenzied, crazy, inquiring into useless things, orperhaps a horse-trader, and a person knowing something about quadrupeds, andsuch like.

The Moon, hindrances from enemies, and, if she is made unfortunate bySaturn, captivity and, poverty, a
stinkingmouth and body. But in a nocturnal birth, these evils will be mitigated.

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