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abu ali al-khayyat -- The Judgments of Nativities

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 07:39:03 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 48. The Head and Tail ofthe Dragon of the Moon in the Twelve Houses of Heaven

The Head in the 1st house denotes domination and good fortune like itsmixture with the planets. The Tail [denotes] trouble, decrease, and hindrancein all undertakings, and injury to one of the eyes.

The Head in the 2nd house increase in property, and great good fortune.The Tail of the Dragon, poverty, and a fall from high [estate].

The Head in the 3rd louse promises noble and fortunate brothers andtrue dreams. But the Tail, scattering of the brothers and sisters.

The Head in the 4th bestows usefulness and increase of farm lands, andinheritances. The Tail of the Dragon, diminution of the inheritance, and muchhard work without any reward.

The Head in the 5th house, promises an increase in [the number of)children, and safety frog all calamities.

The Tail of the Dragon, loss and death of the children, and horribleaccidents [befalling] them.

The Head in the 6th House, robustness against illnesses, many slaves,many animals, and profit from them. The Tail of the Dragon, illnesses, evildoingby the male and female slaves, and weakness among the animals, and no increasefrom them.

The Head in the 7th gives friendship with women. The Tail of theDragon, dissolution of marriage, and powerful enemies.

The Head in the 8th, a sound and healthy life, and little fear. TheTail of the Dragon, a disgraceful death, and loss of good things.

The Head in the 9th indicates that the native's faith will be inaccordance with the condition of the planets that are with it. The Tail of theDragon, great changes, and bad faith.

The Head in the 10th house bestows good fortune on the native and anincrease in his professional skill. The Tall of the Dragon, oppression,damages, unnecessary tourneys.

The Head and the Tail of the Dragon in the 11th house give much hardwork and little rest.

The Head in the 12th, strength and many enemies. an increase in evilthings, and poverty. The Tail of the Dragon, little bad luck against enemies,oppression of thee, and [their] poverty, and no harm from then.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 19:25:52 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 49. The Effects andIndications of the Part of Fortune in the Twelve Houses of the Natal Horoscope.

When the Part of Fortune is in the 1st house, it signifies the greatestgood fortune in acquiring wealth, and a prosperous outcome in all businessdeals and contracts, games, and all other things for which resources arecommonly or can be provided.

In the 2nd it signifies the same things as in the 1st, but not soperfectly.

In the 3rd, is gives good fortune in activities with brothers, sisters,and kinsmen. And religious men will have good monastery, and entrance into agood order, and they will undertake short trips.

If it is in the 4th, it is favorable for the native to act in commonwith his parents, to buy farms and houses, to work in mines, to seek buriedtreasure and hidden things, to investigate arcane things, to make wills andlegacies.

If it is in the 5th house, it is good for the native to act in commonwith his children, to tear off and put on clothes, to write letters, to sendcouriers, to stage banquets and get-togethers, to seek out pleasure and loveaffairs, to conduct business involving the goods of children, or those thingswhich pertain to children or grandchildren.

In the 6th house, it is good to lease male and female slaves, for theyare made fortunate [by this position]. Also, to buy sheep, pigs, and goats, totrade them, and to send them out to pasture, for they are made fortunate. Butone should not get angry with male or female slaves or workmen, much less beatthem, for they will win out.

In the 7th house, it is good to act in common with women, and to seeklove from them, to offer the property of women in order to make a profit, andto do business with them. In particular, it is good to change status, or tohand oneself over from one servitude to another, or to remove from one place toanother, in which you want to stay for a while. For in that servitude or placeit will go well with him, and he will have good fortune. But wars ought to beavoided by whatever means.

In the 8th house the Part of Fortune is badly placed, for (there) itsignifies loss. And this is the common opinion -- that the opposition of thePart of Fortune signifies the greatest [degree] of bad luck. When, therefore,the Part of Fortune is in the 8th house, then its opposition is in the 2nd,which is the house of abundance. Wherefore, at that time, you should not buyanything, nor sell anything, nor play (games of chance), nor lend [to anyone],nor should you serve as a guarantor. For all of these (actions) bring damageand loss. But it is good to do business with things belonging to your wife.

If it is in the 9th house, it is auspicious to undertake long journeys,to do business in foreign places, to deal with bishops and other religiousmagistrates, or to enroll in a religious order, or to seek benefactions or alms.Dreams that one has at this time are made fortunate, and you will perceive isyourself extraordinary inclinations of your mind towards God and manypenetrating thoughts.

In the 10th, it is most fortunate to deal with kings, princes, andmagistrates, especially to spend the money of princes for the sake of profit,or to do business with them, for it brings marvelous advantages. This time isthe most suitable for commencing any art or craft, nor can any more fortunatetime be found for seeking offices, honors, dignities, and for making laws.Then, it is a most fortunate [time] to obligate oneself to princes or topowerful men.

In the 11th house, judge in a manner similar to that which wasmentioned in connection with the 10th. For although this house is weaker,nevertheless its own nature signifies the greatest good fortune in all things,with no exception. But especially it is auspicious then to seek money fromprinces, or to slay them. For the 11th house signifies the property of kings,princes, and lords.

If this Part is found in the 12th, it is good to buy horses, mules,asses, oxen, and cows, and to transact business concerning them, to send themto pasture, and to lend to others. It is also a fortunate [time] to givecaptives their freedom. But all other business activities undertaken for thesake of profit should be avoided, for they bring loss. Nor should one fightwith enemies then, for at this time they gain strength, and their troops areencouraged, and they will obtain victory by the vote of Fortune.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 19:26:56 | 显示全部楼层

Chapt. 50. The Rest of theAccidental (Dignities or Debilities) of the Part of fortune.

When the Part of Fortune is in the exaltation of Saturn, the nativewill be fortunate among old men and slaves.

In the exaltation of Jupiter, among powerful den, nobles, and religiousmen.

In the exaltation of Mars, among princes, counts,135 golden knights,and soldiers.

In the exaltation of the Sun, among kings and great princes.

[Its indication in the exaltation of Venus is missing.]

In the exaltation of Mercury, among teachers, secretaries, and Publicnotaries.

135. I use this word to translate the Latin mites literally,'companions of the ruler or one of his deputies, but actually used in the RaganWire to designate a varlet) of important administrative posts in the government.It eventually became a title of nobility in Europe.

In the exaltation of the Moon, among bath superintendents of lords, andvirgins of humble stock.

Similarly, if the Part of Fortune is in the domicile or term of anyplanet, the native's fortune will lie among the same kind of men [as signifiedby that planet], but they will not be in so good a state as those above. Andwhen the Part of Fortune is in an angle, it signifies great good fortune. In succedent[houses], good fortune through hard work. In cadent [houses], no luck at all,or very little. When the Sun makes a good aspect to the Part of Fortune, itincreases the good fortune.

See also whether the Moon is with that same Part, and makes aconjunction or any aspect with its lord, and in whose domicile the Moon is. Ifit is in a domicile of Saturn, the native will have a cold nature, rarely boldand cheerful, and he will endure great labors. But if Saturn is oriental, a greatinheritance will fall to him, and he will build new houses. But if the Moon isin a domicile of Jupiter, the native will be wise, prudent, and fortunate amongpowerful lords, and he will be loved by men. If this same [planet] is in adomicile of Mars, the native will be bold, will take delight in litigaticn, andwill have his fortune among leaders of armies, counts, golden knights, andsoldiers. If in the domicile of the Sun, the native will have many beneficesfrom kings. If in a domicile of Venus, the native will be cheerful and skilledin music. In a domicile of Mercury, wise, skilled, prudent, crafty, and sly.You will judge in the same manner when the Moon is in the exaltations, orterms,.or aspects of these planets.

ACaution that must be Observed in Judgments.

In every signification, the following must be noted with extreme care:If it has a single testimony, it is commonplace. If two, it is stronger. Ifthree, it is perfected, but only if the lords or significators are strong andnot impedited. 136 Also, significations in cadent houses and mobile signs areweak. In succedent houses and common signs, stronger. In angles and fixedsigns, strongest.

But if in any matter both good and evil signification and testimonyfall together, compare one testimony with the other, whether it is stronger orweaker. For that which is stronger and has more dignities must be preferred.Observe it, therefore, and omit the other. But if it is equal on both sides,discard both of them.137 For thus you will judge more surely and much morefortunately.

Glory to God Alone.

136. This is an important and concise statement of a cardinal principleof astrological interpretation. It could be termed reinforcement.

137. This and the preceding sentence contain lad advice. Experienceshows that astrological influences act independently. Each influence producesits own characteristic effect. If one is stronger, it will produce a greatereffect, as compared to a weaker contrary influence, but the weaker influencewill still operate. If they are equal in strength, then usually one gives athing and the other takes it away. Examples abound. Superior earnings, offsetby heavy expenses. A happy marriage, but a brief one. (Or two marriages -- onehappy, and the other unhappy.) Achievement of high position, followed by itsloss. Many illnesses, but good and effective medical treatment.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 19:33:55 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-17 19:40:59 | 显示全部楼层
附錄二是 masha'allah (此人為abu ali的星學老師) 論壽限的部份 ,

翻譯者James Holden建議讀者連同參看比較abu ali的論法,



发表于 2009-11-22 12:19:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-22 20:28:23 | 显示全部楼层



另外,请问你是否跟北京科学院有渊源 ?
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-23 06:45:23 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢资料。不过有个问题想请问楼主,你对阿拉伯时期的占星著作总体的看法如何?我其实困惑于他们是否太过兼 ...
曼霖 发表于 2009-11-22 12:19


例如abumasar, al-kindi, 或者ibn sina (avicenna虽说他是波斯人)等等
比如abumasar的on historical astrology,al-kindi的letters on weather forecasting,
(特别是letter I 的部份)
或是ibn sina的灵魂学说架构(而且这些脉络一直延续到欧洲文艺复兴)等等。

近代学界,如Otto Neugebauer, David Pingree, Lynn Thorndike等大学者



另外,请问你是否跟北京科学院有渊源 ?
发表于 2009-11-26 21:34:19 | 显示全部楼层
The history of tradition is in that history of reception,大概就是楼主想要表达的意思了吧?

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-26 22:17:51 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2010-5-23 00:46:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-8-19 16:14:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-9-18 09:48:51 | 显示全部楼层
请问多亿兄,你有这本书吗?Vettius Valens (Anthology )
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-19 07:56:52 | 显示全部楼层


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