Chapt. 7 The Native'sProsperity and adversity
With regard to the matter of the native's prosperity and property andwhether he will attain to much or little of it, look at the lords of thetriplicity of that luminary which has the rulership of the time, Because Ifthey are in angles free from [the aspects of] the malefic stars and fromimpediments, they signify that the native will be prosperous all the days ofhis life. And especially if the first lord of the triplicity is in the firstfifteen degrees of its sign, because then the native will prosper more. And thecloser it is to the degree of any angle, the better it will be and the greaterthe prosperity of the native. But if it is in the other degrees of the angleafter the aforesaid 15, he will not prosper so much as I said above, but justto a limited degree, and [likewise] if the planet is in a succedent [house].Also, with the first lord of the triplicity placed fortunately as I have said,if the second and third [lords] are cadent and impedited, the first lord of thetriplicity signifies the prosperity of the native in the beginning of his life,and the others signify adversity and harm in the middle and in the end of thenative's life.
In the same fashion, if the First lord of the triplicity is cadent andimpedited by the evil (stars), but the remaining two lords are in angles, freefrom impediments and [the aspects of] the evil [stars], the first lord of thetriplicity signifies that the native will have adversity and misfortune in thebeginning of life; but he will be prosperous in the middle and the end of life.But when all the lords of the triplicity, the lords of the Ahauba, are cadentand impedited, they signify that the native will have hard work and adversityand shortness of life. Still, with these so placed, if fortunes are in theangles and the evil [stars] are cadent, prosperity is signified for the native.And if the luminaries are in a good state, they signify happiness and thereward of high position for the native. Furthermore, if the lord of the ASC andthe Moon are in angles free from (the aspects of) the evil (stars) and fromimpediments, and she applies to planets in angles, they promise prosperity forthe native, especially if they are received.
And if the lord of the ASC applies to the luminaries, and they are foundto be in their exaltations or their domiciles, or if luminaries apply to thelord of the ASC and it is in its exaltation or in its own domicile, theysignify good fortune for the native throughout his whole life.
But if the Fart of Fortune and its lord are free from (the aspects of)the evil [stars] and oriental [planets] aspect the ASC from angles, theysignify lasting good fortune for the native and greatness of his worth andreputation. But if these same significators are cadent and impedited, theythreaten the native with hard work and little prosperity, and especially ifthey do not aspect the ASC.
When the lords of the ASC are cadent from the angles, but applying toplanets in angles, they signify prosperity after hard work. Similarly, when thelord of the ASC is cadent and in its fall, and it applies to a planet that isin its own domicile or exaltation, it signifies prosperity that will followafter hard work. And the [horoscopes that follow] are in fact similar to thosethat the ancients proved by experience in their significations of prosperityand hard work.
[1.] A Nocturnal Nativity with Gemini Ascending.
The Sun and Venus in Leo, Saturn and the Moon in Scorpio, Mars inAquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, and Mercury in Virgo signify in this figure thebad luck of this native from the lords of the triplicity of the Moon becausethe nativity was nocturnal. And the first lord of this triplicity was Mars, thesecond Venus, both cadent from the angles, which signified poverty and badconditions for the native. And therefore this native was a pauper, and he onlygot his food by hard work.
[2.] A Diurnal Nativity with Aries Ascending.
The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, the Moon in Sagittarius, Saturn andMars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer, and Venus in Capricorn. The luck of thisnative is signified by the lords of the triplicity of the Sun because thenativity was diurnal. The first lord of this triplicity was Saturn, the secondMercury, both in [houses] succedent to the angles. Saturn in fact was in thesuccedent to the angle of the occident and Mercury in the succedent to the MCangle, which (together) signified prosperity and wealth and much property. Thisnative, therefore, had extensive possessions, was abounding in money [andenjoyed] the highest honour and the greatest prosperity.
[3.] A Nocturnal Nativity with Scorpio Ascending.
The Moon in Scorpio, the Sun in Aries, Mars in Aquarius, Venus inTaurus, Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo. The luck of this nativeis signified by the lords of the triplicity of the Moon because the nativitywas nocturnal. The first lord of the triplicity of the Moon was Mars, thesecond Venus, the third the moon, all in angles, which signified prosperity,lofty position, and kingship. And consequently this man was great, of highdegree, and steady in prosperity until a golden crown was placed upon his head,and silver one with pearls and precious stones, and his praise was in themouths of all men.
[4.] A Diurnal Nativity with Cancer Ascending,
The Sun and Mercury in Aries, Jupiter and the Moon in cancer Saturn inPisces, Venus in Virgo, and Mars in Scorpio. This figure signifies the luck ofthe native from the lords of the triplicity of the Sun because the nativity wasdiurnal. And the first lord of this triplicity was the Sun, the second Jupiter,both in angles and in their own exaltations, which signified his lofty positionand good fortune, and ample means, good reputation, and the greatest praiseamong kings and nobles. And Saturn, the third lord of the triplicity, did notimpedite him although it was cadent from an angle in a domicile of Jupiter and theyaspected each other by trine aspect; therefore they signified that this nativewas honoured and highly praised among the highest kings.
[5.] A Nocturnal Nativity with Cancer Ascending.
Jupiter and the Moon in Gemini, Saturn, the Sun, and Mercury in Scorpio,Mars and Venus in Leo. The luck of this native is signified by the lords of thetriplicity of the Moon because the nativity was nocturnal. The first lord ofthis triplicity was Mercury and the second Saturn, cadent from the angles, thesignification of which portended want and poverty. But Jupiter, the third lordof this triplicity, was in the [house] succedent to the angle of the MC, whichmoderated and restrained the bad luck arising from the other too justmentioned. Therefore, this native had a moderate life, such as that led byreligious persons.
(Something wrong with the chart. See appendix 1.)
[6.] A Diurnal Nativity with Gemini Ascending.
The Sun, Saturn, and the Moon in Pisces, Mercury and Jupiter in Aries,Mars in Virgo, and Venus in Taurus. I considered the luck of this native fromthe lords of the triplicity of the Sun because the nativity was diurnal. Thefirst lord of it was the Sun, the second Jupiter, and the third Saturn, allbeing in angles, the signification of which suggested good fortune and muchwealth; and therefore this man was of high position and rich, having much gold andsilver.
(Chart below doesn’t agree with the commentary. See appendix 1.)
[7.] A Diurnal Nativity with the Beginning of Scorpio ascending.
Jupiter in the 21st degree and 12th minute of Libra, the Sun in the 8thof Libra, Mercury in the 11th degree and 15th minute of Scorpio, Saturn in the15th degree of Taurus, the Moon in the 2nd degree of Leo, Mars in the 18thdegree of Virgo, the Part of Fortune in the 18th degree of Virgo, [Venus in the28th degree of Virgo] and the Head of the Dragon of the Moon in the 8th degreeand 40th minute of Taurus. This configuration signifies the luck of this nativefrom the lords of the triplicity of the Sun because the nativity was diurnal.The first lord of it was Saturn, the second Mercury, and the third Jupiter.Each of which was harmful to another. For Saturn was in opposition to Mercuryand conjunct the Head of the Dragon and with Mars, and the lord of the Partconjoined to the Tail in opposition to Saturn, which signified hard work andfew good things, and mental confusion, which so happened to this native.
[8.] A Nocturnal Nativity with Virgo Ascending.
The Moon in Gemini, Saturn, the Sun, and Mercury in Aquarius, Mars inCapricorn, Venus in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Virgo. The luck of this nativeis signified by the lords of the triplicity of the Moon, for it was a nocturnalbirth. And the first lord of the triplicity was Mercury, the second Saturn,both cadent, which signified poverty and a bad condition for this native, andso in fact it happened that this man was of narrow means, abounding in nothingother than sweat and hard work. But because Jupiter and Venus were in angles, theysignified bodily health and good rearing, and sustenance from kings and princesand from many friends.
[9.] A Nocturnal Nativity with the 16th Degree of Gemini Attending.
The Moon in the 16th degree of Aries, Jupiter in the 22nd of Scorpio,Venus in the 13th degree of Scorpio, Saturn in the 15th degree of Pisces,Mercury in the 21st of Scorpio, the Sun in the 9th degree of Sagittarius, Marsin the 19th of Sagittarius, the Head of the Dragon in the 23rd degree ofCapricorn, and the Part of Fortune in the 9th degree of Aquarius. The luck ofthis native was signified by the lords of the triplicity of the Moon becausethe nativity was nocturnal. The first lord of it was Jupiter, the second theSun, both cadent from the angles in the sixth sign, which suggested thesignification of hard work for the native and few good things. Then I looked atthe Part of Fortune, and I found it in the ninth sign, and its lord notaspecting it, which also signified hard work and want.
(Something wrong with the chart. See appendix 1.)
[10.] A Nocturnal Nativity with the Twenty-first Degree of TaurusAscending.
The moon in the first degree of Pisces, the Sun in the 17th degree ofVirgo, Saturn in the 14th degree of Sagittarius, Jupiter in the 11th degree ofLibra, Mars in the 21st degree of Virgo, Venus in the 17th dearer of Leo,Mercury to the 5th degree of Libra, the Part of Fortune in the 7th ofSagittarius, and the Head of the Dragon in the fifth degree of Capricorn. Theluck of this native is signified by the lords of the triplicity of the Moonbecause the nativity was nocturnal. The first lord of it has Mars, under theSun beams in square aspect to Saturn, which signified hard work and anxiety forthe native in the first third of his life. But the second lord of thetriplicity was Venus, and it was Lord of the ASC in an angle, and increasing inits number, signifying prosperity and good conditions for the native after hardwork. Also, Jupiter and Mercury, which are in the sixth sign descending towardsthe fifth, denote [hard work and little good. But they are also in the 11thhouse] from the Part of Fortune, (which signifies) prosperity and good positionfor the native. And so it happened to the native.
(Increasing in number – direct in motion)
[11.] A Nocturnal Nativity with the 2nd Degree and 14th minute of LibraAscending.
ASC in the 2nd degree and 30th minute of Libra, the moon in the 8thdegree and 4th minute of Cancer, Saturn in the 2nd degree of Gemini, Jupiter inthe 15th degree of Sagittarius, the sun in the 19th degree of Aquarius, Mars inthe 15th degree of Sagittarius, Venus in the 25th degree of Pisces, Mercury inthe 15th degree of Aquarius, and the Part of Fortune in the 10th degree ofTaurus. This chart signifies the luck of this native from the lords of the triplicityof the Moon, for the nativity was nocturnal. The first lord of it was Mars, thesecond Venus, both cadent in the sixth and the third, which signified badcircumstances for the native. But the Moon, which was the luminary of the time, was in theMC, she also being the last lord of the triplicity; and the Part of Fortune,was of the nature of Venus; (together they) signified beauty and goodcircumstances for the native at the end of his life.
For whenever the lordsof the triplicity of the luminary which has the rulership are cadent, look atthe Part of Fortune because it signifies great and lofty things when it isconjoined to Jupiter or to Venus or is applying to them by aspect.
[12.] A Diurnal Nativity with the 10th Degree and 7th Minute of CancerAscending.
The Sun in the 24th [degree] of Aries, the Moon in the 17th of Libra,Saturn in the 27th of Libra, Jupiter in the 17th of Sagittarius. Mars, inSagittarius, the Part of Fortune in the 18th of Sagittarius, and the Head (ofthe Dragon) in the 17th of Scorpio.
Theluck of this native was signified by the lords of the triplicity of the Sun,for the nativity was diurnal. And the Sun was the first lord of the triplicity,in his own exaltation in the MC, applied to Saturn but not received by it, andJupiter the second lord, and the lord of the MC were cadent in the sixth sign.And Saturn, the third lord, in his own exaltation, signified prosperity for thenative in the end of his life. I looked again further at the Part of Fortune,and I found it in the sixth sign conjoined to Jupiter, and the Moon in the MCof the Part of Fortune, which signified good fortune from middle life down tothe end of it.
(This position of the POF is inconsistent with the position of the Sun,the moon and the ASC degree. Perhaps the moon should be in Virgo.)
And so much for examples. Now we shall return to the rules themselves.
When the lord of the triplicity of that luminary which has the dignityis impedited, look at the Part of Fortune. If it is in an angle and fortunesand infortunes alike aspect it, it signifies middling circumstances andprosperity. Also, look at the lords of the triplicity of the Sun in diurnalnativities and the lords of the triplicity of the Moon at night. If they are inangles, they signify greatness and excellent circumstances. But if they arecadent, they signify hard work and a bad existence. But if either of the evil[planets] is in the 11th sign from the ASC, or with the Part of Fortune, orwith the Sun in diurnal nativities, or with the Moon in nocturnal nativities, itsignifies the loss of good fortune, and especially if it does not have anydignity in the sign. And if the Part of Fortune orits lord does not aspect the ASC or the Sun in diurnal nativities or the Moonin nocturnal nativities, it signifies the loss of good fortune, and especiallyif it does not have any dignity in the sign.
And in fact the moon, in nocturnal nativities, signifies the loss ofgood fortune in this way: if the Moon is separated from evil [planets] and itsnext application is to evil [planets], it signifies the loss of good fortune;and if the Alcochoden is in an evil house and the evil [planets] aspect it, itsignifies the loss of good fortune. Besides this, if evil [planets] are in theangles and fortunes in the succedents of the angles, it signifies hard work inthe beginning of life and good fortune in the end of it. And if the Sun in daynativities and the Moon in night nativities is separated from evil (planets)and applies to good [planets], it signifies a good existence for the native andhis rise after hard work. And if the lords of the lunar triplicity when it hasthe dignity are cadent, applying to planets that are in their own exaltationsor domiciles, it signifies good fortune for the native after hard work. Andwhen the luminaries are impedited without any aspect to the fortunes, itsignifies a good existence for the native after hard work.