Liber Hermetis
相傳為Hermes Trismegistus所著,
最常被九流術士掛在嘴邊的as above, so below. 即傳說為此人之授意。
不過這Liber Hermetis是托名偽經,非一時一地一人之作,
來龍去脈難以三言兩語可概括。有西方學者如David Pingree認為此成書於乃中世紀末,意見不一。
本經現代英語翻譯者為 Robert Zoller 。
XXX. On Brothers. If the lordof the triplicity of the ascendant is in the upper hemisphere, although insuccedent or cadent [places]: count from it to the ascendant and as many signsas there are, he will as many brothers. But if there is a sign of two bodies,count those double.
But if thelord of the triplicity of the horoscope is in the lower hemisphere, count fromthe horoscope to the lord of the triplicity and as many signs or stars as thereare, say so many brothers. Remember to double the bicorporeal signs, however,and if benevolent [planets] should aspect, the brothers will be vital; but ifmalevolent [planets], they signify the destruction of the brothers.
But if fromthe M.C. to the horoscope there are no planets, there will not be anotherbrother. But if, with such a configuration, it should happen that someone hasan older brother, he will certainly see the brother's death. And if there is amalevolent [planet] from the M.C. to the horoscope, it signifies the death ofthe brothers born before the native.
But if thereare none from the horoscope to the angle of the earth, he will not have anybrothers born after him. And if there are, he will certainly see their death.But if Saturn or Mars are present from the ascendant to the angle of the earth,he will himself see the death of those younger than he.
If the lordof the Part of Brothers is in the horoscope, you may say that such a one is anonly child.
If the lordof the Part of brothers is in a bicorporeal sign, say that such a one hasbrothers from another father or another mother, and if the part and its lordare in a masculine sign, he has brothers from another father, and if in afeminine sign, from another mother.
If the lordof the triplicity of the horoscope is in the horoscope, they are made the firstborn, if in the M.C., the first or the fourth, if in the west, the first or theseventh, if in the angle of the earth, certainly he is the fourth.
Malevolentplanets aspecting the third place from the horoscope show the death of thebrothers. They cause the same even though they fall in the ninth place from thehoroscope; they cause the destruction of the brothers. The same happensalthough malevolent [planets] are found in the Part of Brothers' or in the[places] opposite them; likewise they will see the deaths of brothers. |