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Masha'allah 本命論摘選(壽限部分)

发表于 2009-11-17 19:45:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 多乙光 于 2009-11-17 19:55 编辑


原本附錄於James Holden所譯abu ali之本命論斷書末。

Abu ‘Ali's teacher Masha'allah (c.740-c.815) was the foremost of theearly Arabian astrologers (he was actually a Jew). He was a prolific writer,and many of his books were translated into Latin. His name in Latin wasMessahalla or some similar spelling. He was familiar with the Pentateuch ofDorotheus of Sidon (1st cent.), which became available in Arabic translationduring his lifetime.3Carmody, lists three books that he wrote on nativities. One of these has beenedited by Pingree.4It consists of a short text of nine pages in Pingree's edition followed bytwelve example horoscopes, of which three are taken from the Pentateuch Thetext contains six chapters and the horoscopes. These chapters correspond to thefirst seven chapters of Abu ‘Ali's book. (Masha'allah's Chapt. 5 = Abu 'Ali'sChapts. 5 & 6) and the same twelve horoscopes. But Pingree's statement that"it is the basis of the main work of Masha'allah's pupil al-Khayyat"5 is not supported by theevidence, since Abu 'Ali's text of Chapts. 1-7 is fuller and his book alsocontains 38 additional chapters not present in the text edited by Pingree. Ihave translated a few chapters of Masha'allah's work in Appendix 2. The readercan compare them with Abu 'Ali's text and form his own opinion.

3. See the editionby David Pingree, Carmen Astrologicum (Leipzig: B.8. Teubner, 1976).

4. E.S. Kennedy andDavid Pingree, The Astrological History of Masha'allah (Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard Univ. Press, 1971), Appendix 3.

5. See his article on Masha'allah in the



[Chap. 1.] Whether the Child Will [Live to] be Weanedor Not.

Masha'allah said thatamong all the books of astrology there is not one found more useful than the Book ofNativities nor one so good in judgments. He who is versed in it will findknowledge and wisdom in it, and he will delight in its practical knowledge.

First, it should beknown whether the child will [live to] be weaned or not. And you will know this fromthe ASC, namely from the lords of its triplicity, and from the lords of thedomicile of the Sun if the nativity is diurnal, or of the domicile of the Moonif it is nocturnal; and from the lord of the New Moon or the lord of the FullMoon if he was born after the New Moon or the Full Moon.

And if it is from theNew Moon or the Full Moon, you will look at the lords of its triplicity. And inaddition, you will look at Jupiter and Venus. And if the nativity is diurnal, you willlook at the diurnal planets; and if it isnocturnal, at the nocturnal planets.

And you will begin tolook at the [first] lord of the triplicity of the 1st house, i.e. the ASC, and at thesecond lord, and at the third lord; these arethe lords of the triplicity of the first

[house]. And if theyare free [from any aspect of] the evil [planets], in the ASC namely, or in the 10thhouse or in the 11th or in the 5th, the native will live.

But if they arecadent from the angles and are infortunes, you will look at the lords of thetriplicity of the Sun's domicile if it is a diurnal nativity. But if it is anocturnal nativity, you will look at the lordsof the triplicity of the Moon's domicile. And If they are in a good house and safe from [any aspect of] the evil[planets], the native will live.

But if they are inbad houses and are infortunes, you will look at the lords of the triplicity ofthe domicile of the Part of fortune. And if it is in a good house and free from[any aspect of] the evil [planets], the native will live.

But if it is a diurnalnativity, you will look at the Part of Fortune; and if it is nocturnal, youwill look at the Moon. And if it is in an evil house, you will look at thelords of the triplicity of the domicile of the conjunction of the sun and theMoon if the nativity was around the Mew Moon. Or you will look at the lords ofthe triplicity of the domicile of the Full Moon if the nativity was around theFull Moon. And if they are angular and free from [any aspect of] the evil[planets], the native will live. But if they are evil [planets] and impedited, then look at Jupiter, which is a helper innativities. And if it is in an angle or in a succedent of an angle and freefrom [any aspect of] the evil [planets], he will live. But if it is in an evilhouse and impedited by an evil [planet], you will look at Venus. And If it isin an angle or in a succedent of an angle and free from [any aspect of] theevil [planets], he will live. But if it is in an evil house and Impedited byinfortunes, you will look at the Moon. And if it is in the ASC or the 10thhouse and free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets], [and] it is joined to adiurnal star if the nativity is diurnal or joined to a nocturnal star if thenativity is nocturnal, and it is free from [any aspect of] the evil [planets],he will live. But if it is evilly [placed], you will look at the Almuten.

And you will knowfrom the lords of the triplicity of the ASC; and if it is a diurnal nativity,from the lords of the triplicity of the Sun; and if it is a nocturnal nativity,from the lords of the triplicity of the Moon; and from the lords of thetriplicity of the domicile of the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, if thenativity is around the New Moon; or by the lords of the triplicity of thedomicile of the Full Moon, if the nativity is before the New Moon. And if theyare in angles or in succedents of angles and free from [any aspect of] the evil[planets], he will live. But if they are in evil houses and impedited, he willdie.

Then, you will lookat the planet that is Almuten, and the one to which it communicates itsdisposition, and how many degrees are between them. And if it is in a fixedsign, you will give one year to each degree; and if it is in a common sign, you will give amonth to each degree; and if it is in a mobilesign, you will give a day to each degree. Butif the Almuten is cadent, and an evil planet is in the ASC, and the Moon isjoined to an evil [planet], he will live as much time as there are degrees.That is, if the receiver of the disposition is impedited and in a fixed sign,they will be years; and if in a common sign, months; and if in a mobile sign,days.

Then, look at thedegrees of the Sun or the noon. If either of them aspects the Almuten by square orconjoins It in the same domicile or opposes it, it will be evil unless thedegrees of Athazer are there.' And, if any of the degrees of Athazer are there,he will live as many years or months or days [as is said above] as there aredegrees.' And if the Almuten is joined to an evil [planet] by the square oropposition aspect, and no fortune aspects it, the newborn will (not) live. Butif the Moon is configured between two evil [planets] and one of them is in theASC, the other is in the 7th, and the moon badly[situated] in an angle, it will die.

But [if] the lords ofthe triplicity of the ASC or the lords of the triplicity of the Sun's domicile, and thelords of the triplicity of the Part ofFortune's domicile, and the lords of the triplicity of the domicile of the NewMoon or the Full Moon, are impedited or cadent, and any planet is in [aposition of] strength, he will have seriousillnesses. And if the lords of the triplicity of the ascending sign are cadent,he will die. And it will be worse if one ofthe aforesaid is Saturn in a nocturnal nativity or Mars in a diurnal nativity, namely in one of the angles.

But If the Moon isreceived and the lord of the ASC is in a good house, he will live, and he will be honoured,and he will have many brothers. But if there is no reception, it indicates poverty.

If the Part ofFortune is with the Moon, and aspects Venus in a nocturnal nativity or Jupiter in a diurnalnativity, it indicates high position and life, just as when the Part of Fortuneis in a good house.

Every planet that isa significator, and is oriental in a diurnal nativity and in a masculine sign or isoccidental in a nocturnal nativity and in afeminine sign, will have good strength, and its testimony will be good, and itindicates high status for the native.

But it the lord ofthe ASC or the Moon is in an evil [house] and the lord of the domicile of the Moon is in
an angle, it indicates death.

And when you knowthat the native will not live long, you will make Athazer from the ASC degree up to theevil planet that impedites, and you will giveto each sign one month. But if the nativemakes it through these months, he will live as many years as the months that werepredicted.

Then, look at thelord of the 5th house. If it is in a good house, the prediction must be judgedgood; if an en evil [house], it will narrow his on soul in poverty.

When there Is a Hyleg in the Nativity and When Not.

[Chapt. 2.] The Hyleg in Knowledge of Life: When theNativity of

the Child Indicates Life.

And when you want toknow this, select the Sun as Hyleg in a diurnal nativity. And If it is in anangle or
in a succedent of an angle andin a masculine sign or in a masculine quarter -- i.e., from the 1st house tothe MC -- and the lord of the domicile aspects it, or the lord of the term, orthe lord of the exaltation or the lord of
the triplicity or of the face, it will be theHyleg. And if none of these aspects it, itwill not be the Hyleg.

Then, you will lookat the Moon. And if it is in an angle or in a succedent of an angle, and in afeminine sign or in a feminine quarter, and it is aspected just as I said inthe case of the Sun, you will accept it as the Hyleg.

But if the Sun or theMoon is not the Hyleg, you will look at the lord of the domicile of the NewMoon or the Full Moon. If it is not the Hyleg, you will look at the lord of thedomicile of the Part of Fortune. And If you don't find this to be the Hyleg,you will put the ASC degree for the Hyleg, If the lord of the ASC aspects theASC. But if all the aforesaid fail, there will be no Hyleg.

The Indication of Time from the Alcochoden.

[Chapt. 3.] The Alcochoden, through Which is Known theComputation
[of the Length] of Life.

And when the Hyleghas been found, you will look at the Alcochoden. And you will look at the Hylegand the lord of its terms, and the lord of its triplicity, and the lord of itsdomicile, and the lord of its exaltation, and the lord of its face. And the oneof these that aspects the Hyleg will be the Alcochoden. But if one or two orthree of the planets aspect the Hyleg, the planet that is most dignified andnearer in degrees will be the Alcochoden.

You may know thatwhen the Sun is in Aries or Leo, it will be the Hyleg and the Alcochoden.Similarly, if the Moon is in Taurus or in Cancer, it will be the Hyleg and theAlcochoden whether they aspect it or not, and similarly with the Sun.

And when you havefound the Alcochoden, look at it. If it is in an angle' or in its own domicileor in its exaltation or triplicity,safe from any impediment, namely from retrogradationor from combustion by the Sun, you will giveit the major years of the planet. And if it isin a succedent of an angle, and safe from [any aspect of] the evil [planets],you will give it the middle years. But if it is in a cadent from an angle, andhas no dignity there, you will give it the minor years.

And you may know thatan augment of the years of a planet or a diminution of them does not take placeexcept through the strength of the planet or through its debility. But if theplanet is oriental and in good state, you will give the greater years. And ifit is not oriental,and it has an evil aspect with one [of the planets], you will give it the minor years. And if it is occidental, andhas an evil aspect with one [of the planets],and is retrograde, you will give it as manyweeks as minor years. And if it is in an evil house in which it cannot be worsewhen retrograde, [and is attacked by one] of the lighter planets, you will giveit as many days as are the minor years of the planet.

And you may know thatwhen the Head of the Dragon is in the same sign with the planet which isAlmuten, less than 12 degrees either before or after, it adds a fourth part ofthe years of the planet that is Almuten; and if it is closer in degrees, itwill be more effective. But if the Tail of the Dragon is there, it takesaway a fourth part of the years. And if it is in partite [conjunction] with theSun or the Moon, it takes away nothing. But if the Sun is the Alcochoden and is some distance away from it, it takes awayfrom its years. Ptolemy said, The Head with the fortunes adds good fortune andthe Tail takes away from the years.• But if the Head or the Tail is with theSun or the Moon, the strength [of the nodes] will appear either for good orevil, and more strongly in the case of the Moon.

But if Jupiter is inthe ASC with Venus, each one of these adds its own minor years in the nativityunless the infortunes impedite them and the Moon is similarly in a bad state.But if one of the aforesaid fortunes, viz. Jupiter and Venus, is the lord ofthe house of death, and is in the ASC, the newborn will die before it lives.

How Many Years the Planets Add to the Alcochoden.

[Chapt. 4.] [How] to Know What the Planets Add orSubtract.

And when you know howmany years you ought to put for the Alcochoden, and you want to know how manyare taken away or added, look at the Alcochoden. If there is a fortune with itand it aspects it by sextile or any other good aspect, and if it is in a goodhouse, it will increase the minor years of that fortune. But if the fortunesthat aspect the Alcochoden is weak, in place of the minor years you will give the same[number of] months. And if the fortunate planet thataspects the Alcochoden is retrograde, and an evil [planet] impedites It, there will be days in the same number
as the minor

But if an infortuneis with the Alcochoden, and that star will be the receiver of the degrees ofthe Alcochoden, and they aspect each other by square aspect or by opposition,and they have a conjunction with the lord of the house of death, there will behours in the same number as the minor years of the Alcochoden. But if Mercuryis in a good house and aspects the Alcochodenwith good aspect, its minor years will be an increment for it. And if it is theconverse, it will be reduced by the number of(Mercury's) minor years. And the strongest ofthe planetary aspects with the Alcochoden is the aspect of Mars. But if youwant to know the [time of) death with certainty, look at the evil (planet) thatimpedites the Alcochoden; and when the Alcochoden comes to those degrees [bydirection], he will die.

发表于 2011-6-20 01:29:32 | 显示全部楼层
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