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发表于 2009-11-24 10:02:39
If the Part of Substance could not be the significator of the substance of the native
Which if the Part of Substance (nor even the planet in whose dignity it was) could not be the significator of the native's prosperity and substance, look at the second and its Lord, or at a planet which is in it. Which if one of the benefics were in the second, or joined with the Lord of the second from a trine or sextile aspect, it will signify the native is going to acquire much substance (and more so if the benefic were Jupiter). If however it were the Sun in the day, his significa¬tion will be below what is signified by Jupiter. Indeed if [it were] the Moon in the night, it will be below what is signified by the Sun. Indeed if it were Venus, it will be below what is signified by the Moon.307
If [neither] the second [sign], nor its Lord, nor a planet which is in it, could be the significator of the substance of the native
And if the second [sign] or its Lord, or a planet which is in it, could not signify the substance of the native, look then at Jupiter, who naturally signifies substance. Which if you were to find him in the second, judge confidently that the native is going to be affluently overflowing in riches-according, however, to the disposition of Jupiter-nor is he ever going to fall into poverty at any time; and more strongly so, if Jupiter were the Lord of the Ascendant. [A Proposi¬tion] of al-Mansur goes along with this: "he will never be a pauper or needy, the Lord of whose nativity is Jupiter"308-and again more so and more sublimely so, if the Ascendant were Sagittarius, and Pisces the 4th house [domicile?]; for it does not receive the contrary.309
Which if Jupiter were impeded, so that he could not be the significator of the aforesaid, and the nativity were diurnal, then look at the Sun; which if he were in some good place from the Ascendant, free from impediments, namely made fortunate and strong, it signifies the native is going to attain money or sub¬stance-but this will be below what is naturally signified by Jupiter.
Indeed if the nativity were nocturnal, then look at the Moon; which if she were in the second, namely made fortunate and strong, free or in another good place from the Ascendant, it will signify great riches that are going to come to the native; however what is signified by her will be below what is signified by the Sun.
If neither the Sun nor the Moon could signify the native's substance
Which if neither the Sun nor the Moon could signify the substance of the native, then look at the planet who is the al-mubtazz over the place in which is he who was the al-mubtazz over the place in which was one of the aforesaid Parts (namely of Substance or Fortune),310 and make him the significator of sub¬stance. Which if he were fit for this, he will signify the native is going to acquire much substance; but what he signifies will be below what is signified by the Moon.
When that planet could not be the significator of the native's substance
Indeed if such a planet were not fit to signify the substance of fhe native, look at the planet in whose domicile the Moon is; which if it were in the Ascendant, or in the 2nd or in the angles, or in another good place from the Ascendant, and were free from impediments, made fortunate and strong, it will bring in much money for the native; however what it signifies will be below what is signified by the aforesaid al-mubtazz.
If the planet in whose domicile the Moon is, cannot be the significator of the native's substance
However, if that planet could not be the significator of the native's sub¬stance, look at the planet who is in the 2nd: which if it were free from impediments, made fortunate and strong (and more so if it had some dignity in the 2nd, or it were a benefic), it will signify the native is going to attain money in a good quantity; however what it signifies will be below what is signified by the planet in whose domicile the Moon is.311
If the planet who is in the 2nd could not be the significator of the substance of the native
If however the planet who is in the 2nd could not be the significator of sub¬stance, then see if the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 4th domicile312 were the same planet-because he will be deservedly called the significator of the native's prosperity and substance; which if you were to find him free, namely made fortunate and strong, you would have it as settled that the native will amass much money just as equally well as if a benefic were in the 2nd.
When the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 4th is not the same planet
If however you did not find this, look then at the Lords of the triplicity of the house of substance: which if you were to find all of them free (namely made fortunate and strong), it will be signified that riches will come to the native in abundance, in accordance with what his condition was, or enough beyond it. If however only two of them were sound, riches will come to him in two parts of his life, but not in the third. But if only one of them were sound, riches will come to him only in a single one-third of his life, but not in the others. Which if none of them were sound, riches (however much there is of this) will never come to him; however, riches could come to him by means of other causes than the aforesaid ones, namely by the ones to be spoken of below.
If the Lords of the triplicity of the house of substance could not be the significators of the native's substance
And if the aforesaid Lords of the triplicity of the house of substance could not be the significators of the native's substance, then look at the Lords of the triplicity of the sign in which the Sun is (if die nativity were diurnal) or the Lords of the triplicity of the sign in which the Moon is (if the nativity were nocturnal), and judge according to what I told you about the Lords of the triplicity of the house of substance.
If the Lords of the triplicity of the sign in which the Sun or Moon is, could not signify the native's substance
Indeed if the aforesaid planets could not be the significators of the native's substance, nor were they fit for this, then look at the Lords of the triplicity of the Ascending sign, and judge concerning them according to what you judged concerning the said Lords of the triplicity of the Sun and the Moon; but what is signified by them will be below what is signified by the Lords of the triplicity of the Sun (in the day) and the Moon (in the night).
If the Lords of the triplicity of the ascending sign could not signify the native's substance
If however the Lords of die triplicity of the ascending sign were not fit to signify the substance of the native, then look at the sign in which the Part of Fortune is, and [look at] its Lord;313 which if he were in the second or in another good place from the Ascendant, free from impediments, namely made fortunate and strong, he will be the significator of the native's substance and his prosperity; and will bring in a suitable quantity of substance for him. However, what is signified by him will be less than what is signified by the Lords of the triplicity of the Ascendant.
If the Lord of the sign in which the Part of Fortune is, could not signify the native's substance
Indeed if the Lord of the sign in which die Part of Fortune is, could not be the significator of the native's substance, then look at the sign in which the Part of Substance is, and its Lord; which if you were to find him in the 2nd, or in another good place from the Ascendant, free, namely made fortunate and strong, put him as the significator of the native's substance, and the giver of it. For what he signifies will be comparable to what is signified by the Lord of the sign in which the Part of Fortune is; for it will vary little from it.
If the Lord of the sign in which the Part of Substance is, could not signify the native's substance
And if the Lord of the sign in which the Part of substance is, could not be the significator of the native's substance, then look to see if the Sun were on the line of the 10th house, by 2° ahead or 5° after,314 and with the Moon going toward him from the left, from his [or her] trine or sextile aspect;315 and the Lord of the house of substance were in his own domicile or exaltation, going to the conjunction of the Lord of the Ascendant, or to his trine.or sextile aspect; and the more so and more strongly so if Jupiter were the Lord of the house of substance. Because this will signify that the native will have a great name, and great fame, and be very powerful. If, however, with this situation, the significator of substance were other than Jupiter, substances will come to him to an immense degree, but they will not be together with exceeding fame. Which if 19 Aries were the 10th house, and the Ascendant were 25° Cancer, and it316 (or at least the Sun and Jupiter)317 were free from the malefics and their Lords, the name of that native will be exalted, and will be greatly expanded, and his fame will be broadcast through the whole world.
And Ptolemy said318 a certain word which seems to differ from the consid¬eration of this house, but it does not depart from the opinion.
For he said that if the planetary rulers of the domiciles319 or signs which give children (which will be described below in a chapter on the topic of children) were in the places proper to them (which are namely the 10th and the 11th, the 1st and the 5th),320 and they were oriental,321 the native will be powerful and have a great name.322
If however they were occidental323 [and] in the place of the sect contrary to them, the native will be poor and unknown.324
If however the aforesaid rulers of the places taught [to you here], and the Part of Fortune, were in the Ascendant, or with the Lord of the Ascen¬dant, the native will live until he takes a wife; and he will be loved by his parents; and will be made their heir.325
If however it were not so, or they were contrary to each other,326 or were to aspect each other from the square aspect or the opposition, die native will be a litigator, and will accumulate the greatest hatred regarding his parents, and will treat them badly; nor will he succeed to fheir inheri¬tance.327
If the aforesaid planets could not be significators of the native's substance, nor were the Sun in the 10th
Which if [neither] the Lord of the sign in which die Part of Substance is, nor the ofher aforesaid planets, could be the significators of the native's substance, nor were the Sun in the 10th by the method which I have told you, then look at the planets with which the aforesaid significators are joined, or who are elevated over them328hat is, who precede the others in the conjunction of the al-mubta^ which I have told you; or who were northern [in latitude] from it; because they will be the significators of the substance of the native, and especially that one among them who is stronger in dignity or fortune what he signifies will be very much below what is signified by the planet in whose domicile the Part of Fortune is.
If the aforesaid planets (with which the significators were joined) could not signify the native's substance
Indeed, if the aforesaid planets could not be the significators of the native's substance, then look at the al-mubta^avex the aforesaid places, or [over] one of them; which if [the al-mubta^ were free from impediments, namely made fortunate and strong, it will signify the native's substance; but what it signifies will be lower than all the aforesaid significations.
Which of the said significators should be preferred to the others
Indeed, of die said significators, the principal and stronger ones are the Part of Fortune, the Part of Substance, the 2nd and its Lord generally (and more in the matter of substance); and likewise Jupiter, who, even though he may not always be stronger than the others, still, in die signification of substance he is always more general than all the others.
If all the aforesaid significators were impeded
Which if all the Lords of the aforesaid domiciles, and all die aforesaid signifi¬cators were so impeded that not one of them could signify the native's substance, then look at the Lords of the exaltations (nor is this [going to be] a repeat statement). If however the Lords of the exaltations were impeded, look at the Lords of the bounds. Indeed if the Lords of the bounds were impeded, look at die Lords of die triplicities. But if the Lords of die triplicities were impeded (which would be astonishing and unheard-of), look lasdy at the Lords of the faces, and judge by diem, just as you would have judged for any of the others, as I have touched on above.
If the malefics were the significators of the native's substance
And you should know that if die malefics were significators of die native's substance, even if tiiey should be found well disposed, still tiiey will not convey so much good as die benefics do. Indeed if they were made unfortunate and badly disposed, tiiey bring in die contrary, and poverty, intolerably. Indeed if you were to find a malefic in the 2nd, or the rays of a malefic which did not have dignity diere, without the presence or aspect of a benefic, or even in one of the aforesaid places signifying substance, or those significators of substance were impeded, you will expect and have to judge the contrary of those things which were said.
If the benefics were the significators of the native's substance
Indeed if the benefics were strong, they will exhibit the great good of the native; if however they were impeded, little good.
Chapter 2: Whence the native will acquire substance or money, and by what means, and in what part of his life
Lastly indeed, the planet and the place signifying whence the native would acquire substance, and by what means, and in what part of his life, and in what part of time, must likewise be looked at. Therefore, after you were to find die significator of the native's substance, consider into what house you found him to have fallen; for you will announce-according to what is signified by that house, and even according to what is signified by the planetary al-mubtazz over that house; and likewise according to what is signified by the planet found in that house-whence and by what means substance329 ought to come. |